Thursday, January 15, 2009


No idea why i'm spam posting. Maybe its because i have a chinese essay i dun want to write =/

Highlight the lines below 1 line by 1 line




Why are you still highlighting?

Do you think there will be something interesting here?

Go away

Stop scrolling

wakakaka. Bet you couldnt resist highlighting past that chunk


Seriously, go away

You don't want to read what i'm going to say

(that came a bit sudden didnt it)

what would you do if this was all just a trick?

there nothing below this anymore

no seriously


nothing to say

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Let me ask you something. What is the point of being an ALL-ROUNDER?

As in like, being good at everything.

I think its totally stupid.

I mean like. What's the point? Why bother spending time on subjects that wouldnt even be useful in your later life?

Like, would a lawyer need to know all about math? It doesn't seem very useful in his life.

Would a Scientist need to learn chinese? I doubt it.

And so we spend 12 years of our lives learning lots of stuff thats pretty redundant. I'm not saying its not useful, knowing basic english/math/science/whatever is pretty useful, but after a certain level, is it necessary to learn any more of it?

What would be the point of doing so?

Monday, January 12, 2009

First(ish) day of school + OBS


Except for the sunburn bit, and the sandfly bit.

We did lots of random stuff like jumping into the water, swimming in the water, paddling through the water, and trekking(not through the water)

And what's more, it didnt rain a single day during the whole camp. Which was freaking retarded. It was freaking hot.

First day of school was great, we got a bunch of new ownage teachers. That are nice, friendly and funny. AND A NEW CHINESE TEACHER!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT FINALLY....

And guess what we did for PE?

2.4km run. I bet they didnt plan properly and didnt have anything better for us to do, so made us run it.