Friday, March 20, 2009


Math Enrichment Day?

Is it what it is?

I only remember it's Math E_________ Day..

It went well. It was fun!

The first group was so nice, so quiet. When we asked them if they want sweets, they also say don't want. Then no one wanted to volunteer for the activities.

The second group like totally opposite. They scream for sweets, and keep running around in the class.... Then randomly go write vulgarities on the blackboard -.-

/me shall not reveal their school.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


MEW over. Lol. MEW so fun, Lim Jeck so suan.

Today randomly fall down on the floor. For no reason at all. Head pain. Ow.


Sunday, March 8, 2009



See what me and You Jun did during Math Club/Ra training.

Erm. Whatever. Spot the smiley if you can!


Lawrence is so dead. Next week and next next week go so many thing. And then he still here blogging -.-

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Boost ego

Lol. The newbness of some people surprise me. Can't help it.

Overheard a conversation between two HCI guys on the bus.

Person 1: Lol. AT pwns
Person 2: No lor. I bet i have more meat then you. I have 10k
Person 1: Haha. So lousy. I have 65k
Person 2: Liar!!

I lol-ed when i heard them talk. Wanted to laugh. Lol

Sorry people =/