Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bleh. Failure run

First 3 days!

Epic failure!

===Day 1===

[0] Ascension Start [0,0,0]
+> [0] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker, white candy heart
+> [0] Got yellow candy heart
#> Turn [0] pulled 1 Clan VIP Lounge key
#> Turn [0] pulled 103 roll of toilet paper
-> Turn [0] Llama Lama
[1-2] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [1] Got stolen accordion (T_T Why can't get nice imba turn 1 worthless T_T)
+> [2] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[3] Sewer With Clovers [0,0,0]
+> [3] Got spices, ten-leaf clover, worthless trinket (5 clover day. So nice, pity cant use effectively)
[4] Lemon Party [0,0,0]
[5-12] Haunted Pantry [3,8,11]
+> [5] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker, scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker
+> [5] Got scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker, scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker (Great =.= Day 1 3 unicorns. SO HELPFUL!)
+> [6] Got razor-sharp can lid
+> [9] Got llama lama gong
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
=> Level 2 (Turn 12)! (2/4/5)
[13-14] Guild Challenge [0,0,0]
o> Used 2 giant moxie weed [0,0,13]
[15] Haunted Pantry [0,0,0]
[16-17] Outskirts of The Knob [6,1,5]
[18] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [18] Got mosquito larva
-> Turn [18] Green Pixie
[19] 8-Bit Realm [1,0,0]
+> [19] Got yellow candy heart
[20-21] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [20] Got orange candy heart, spices
+> [21] Got Spooky Temple map
[22] Outskirts of The Knob [2,1,1]
[23-30] 8-Bit Realm [22,19,29]
+> [25] Got coconut shell, coconut shell, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella
+> [25] Got magical ice cubes (Ewwwww Only 1 moxie T_T)
=> Level 3 (Turn 28)! (6/5/8)
[31-40] Typical Tavern Quest [20,11,23]
+> [33] Got glimmering roc feather, tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [38] Got bottle of tequila
+> [40] Got llama lama gong
-> Turn [35] He-Boulder
-> Turn [36] Green Pixie
-> Turn [37] Llama Lama
[41] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 bowl of cottage cheese (2 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[42] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 salty dog (7 adventures gained) [0,10,0]
[43-45] Typical Tavern Quest [2,4,8]
+> [45] Got lavender candy heart, pink candy heart
[46-47] 8-Bit Realm [3,5,3]
o> Ate 1 single-serving herbal stuffing (12 adventures gained) [0,0,30]
[48-52] Typical Tavern Quest [4,3,11] (So. Bloody. Long)
+> [52] Got Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill
[53] 8-Bit Realm [2,3,2]
[54-55] Haunted Pantry [0,0,3]
[56-58] Haunted Billiards Room [3,6,6]
+> [56] Got llama lama gong
+> [58] Got pool cue
-> Turn [56] Green Pixie
[59-61] Spooky Forest [0,2,0]
+> [60] Got glimmering roc feather
-> Turn [61] Frumious Bandersnatch
[62] Mix 1 magical ice cubes + 1 Typical Tavern swill [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 mugcake (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0] (Despo. 9 substats points to level)
[63] Haunted Billiards Room [2,3,5]
+> [63] Got pink candy heart
o> Ate 1 mugcake (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[64] Haunted Billiards Room [4,4,4]
+> [64] Got yellow candy heart
o> Drank 1 blended frozen swill (13 adventures gained) [3,3,27]
o> Used 2 glimmering roc feather (14 adventures gained) [43,59,50]
=> Level 4 (Turn 64)! (11/12/15)
[65-66] Mix 1 little paper umbrella + 1 Typical Tavern swill [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 bowl of cottage cheese (2 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Drank 2 fruity girl swill (34 adventures gained) [5,60,5] (Screwed up here. Accidentally overdrank =.=)
o> Ate 14 mugcake (14 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Ate 2 spooky mushroom (5 adventures gained) [0,0,0]

===Day 2===

o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[86] Guano Junction [8,2,5]
[87-89] Stately Pleasure Dome [10,6,14]
+> [88] Got lavender candy heart, orange candy heart, orange candy heart
-> Turn [89] He-Boulder
[90] Knob Goblin Harem [0,0,8]
[91] Mouldering Mansion [0,0,0]
+> [91] Got yellow candy heart
[92-93] Knob Goblin Harem [8,5,11]
+> [93] Got Knob Goblin harem pants, Knob Goblin harem veil, Knob Goblin perfume, disease (Yay for he boulder!)
-> Turn [93] Frumious Bandersnatch
[94] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [94] Got spooky sapling
[95] Rogue Windmill [0,0,0]
+> [95] Got not-a-pipe
[96-97] Haunted Billiards Room [7,8,12]
[98] Outskirts of The Knob [0,0,0]
[99] Knob Goblin Treasury [5,8,4]
[100-102] Haunted Billiards Room [4,5,15]
+> [100] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [22,30,25]
o> Used 1 not-a-pipe (4 adventures gained) [29,20,23]
-> Turn [101] Green Pixie
[103-119] Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary [41,39,65]
+> [104] Got skeleton bone
+> [108] Got smart skull
+> [109] Got loose teeth
+> [114] Got smart skull
+> [115] Got loose teeth
+> [116] Got skeleton bone
+> [117] Got grave robbing shovel
=> Level 5 (Turn 110)! (15/17/20)
[120] Outskirts of The Knob [0,0,0]
#> [120] Semirare: Lunchboxing
[121] Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary [0,0,0]
[122-135] Fernswarthy's Ruins [24,20,34]
+> [129] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
o> Used 1 Manual of Dexterity [0,0,20] (Retarded part. At 80% drop rate, two brainsweepers both fail to drop =.=)
[136] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [136] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[137] Fernswarthy's Ruins [0,15,0]
+> [137] Got disembodied brain
[138] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [138] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[139] Fernswarthy's Ruins [0,15,0]
+> [139] Got disembodied brain
[140-141] Knob Goblin Kitchens [5,4,8]
+> [141] Got Knob sausage
[142-144] Outskirts of The Knob [6,1,6]
+> [143] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [144] Got chef's hat, empty meat tank, tires
[145-148] Knob Goblin Treasury [8,11,15]
[149-153] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [150] Got spices
+> [152] Got worthless gewgaw
+> [153] Got worthless trinket
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
-> Turn [153] Llama Lama
[154-160] Fun House [20,13,36]
+> [154] Got green candy heart
[161-164] Fun House [16,15,30]
+> [161] Got bottle of vodka
+> [164] Got llama lama gong
[165] King's Chamber [0,0,0]
o> Used 1 Knob Goblin perfume [17,20,33]
-> Turn [165] Green Pixie
[166-167] Fun House [3,6,3]
+> [166] Got box
[168-170] Knob Goblin Treasury [4,5,19]
+> [170] Got chef-in-the-box
[171-179] Guano Junction [13,14,26]
+> [171] Got baseball
+> [172] Got broken skull, loose teeth
+> [173] Got loose teeth
+> [174] Got sonar-in-a-biscuit
+> [176] Got sonar-in-a-biscuit
+> [179] Got loose teeth, sonar-in-a-biscuit
-> Turn [179] Hobo Monkey
[180-192] Knob Goblin Treasury [34,19,43]
+> [190] Got white candy heart
-> Turn [180] Green Pixie
[193] Haunted Library [6,3,6]
o> Ate 1 spaghetti with Skullheads (25 adventures gained) [50,0,0]
[194-195] Dark Elbow of the Woods [11,6,12]
[196-209] Dark Neck of the Woods [44,35,68]
+> [196] Got ruby W, wussiness potion
+> [209] Got dodecagram
-> Turn [197] Hobo Monkey
[210-226] Dark Elbow of the Woods [56,58,122]
+> [226] Got eldritch butterknife
-> Turn [218] Frumious Bandersnatch
=> Level 6 (Turn 217)! (23/23/29)
[227-238] Dark Heart of the Woods [36,46,68]
+> [238] Got box of birthday candles
o> Ate 1 Hell ramen (25 adventures gained) [28,28,27]
o> Ate 1 Knob pasty (7 adventures gained) [5,5,5]
-> Turn [227] Green Pixie
-> Turn [228] Frumious Bandersnatch
[239-244] Friar's Gate [20,28,40]
[245-248] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
+> [245] Got bottle of gin
+> [246] Got bottle of vodka
+> [247] Got bottle of vodka
+> [248] Got bottle of whiskey
[249-251] Muscle Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [251] Got ten-leaf clover
[252-254] Friar's Gate [7,8,17]
[255-261] Mix [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 Imp Ale (2 adventures gained) [8,0,-17]
o> Drank 1 gimlet (20 adventures gained) [0,44,0]
o> Drank 1 teqiwila slammer (19 adventures gained) [44,0,0]
o> Drank 1 thermos full of Knob coffee (9 adventures gained) [6,6,6]
o> Drank 1 yellow brick road (22 adventures gained) [0,47,0]
[263-283] Friar's Gate [82,87,210]
+> [263] Got Azazel's unicorn
+> [272] Got Azazel's lollipop
+> [283] Got Azazel's tutu
o> Used 1 strongness elixir [3,0,0]
[284-286] Moxie Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [286] Got barbed-wire fence
[287-289] Spooky Forest [3,6,15]
[290] Haunted Pantry [0,0,0]
#> [290] Semirare: The Pilsbury Doughjerk
[291] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [291] Got Spooky-Gro fertilizer
-> Turn [291] Llama Lama
[292-304] Haunted Library [50,53,140]
-> Turn [298] Green Pixie
[305-307] Muscle Vacation [21,0,0]
[308-311] Haunted Library [17,16,64]
+> [310] Got inkwell
-> Turn [311] Llama Lama
[312] Friar's Gate [0,0,0]
+> [312] Got steel margarita
[313-316] Haunted Conservatory [8,7,20]
[317-322] Mysticality Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [319] Got little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella
-> Turn [322] He-Boulder
[323] Hippy Camp [4,5,9]
+> [323] Got filthy corduroys, filthy knitted dread sack (He boulder FTW!!!! Makes things so trivial)
[324] Pirate Cove [6,6,6]
-> Turn [324] Green Pixie
[325-334] Defiled Alcove [100,47,79]
+> [325] Got loose teeth
+> [327] Got rusty grave robbing shovel
+> [332] Got loose teeth
=> Level 7 (Turn 334)! (32/32/40)
[335-336] Defiled Niche [0,0,0]
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker o.O parser glitchy?
o> Drank 1 Mae West (22 adventures gained) [0,0,44]

o.O parser glitchy?
===Day 3===

[337-343] Defiled Niche [31,19,34]
[344-350] Defiled Cranny [77,73,105]
+> [344] Got coconut shell, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella, magical ice cubes
+> [349] Got coconut shell, lavender candy heart, lavender candy heart, orange candy heart
+> [349] Got orange candy heart, pink candy heart
[351-352] Defiled Nook [3,7,63]
+> [351] Got smart skull, tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [352] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 Manual of Dexterity [0,0,40]
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (8 adventures gained) [26,21,26]
[353] Menagerie 3 [5,3,11]
+> [353] Got bottle of gin, bottle of rum, bottle of tequila, bottle of vodka
+> [353] Got bottle of whiskey, boxed wine (He boulder FTW! =D)
-> Turn [353] He-Boulder
[354-364] Defiled Nook [52,59,267]
+> [355] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
+> [356] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
+> [359] Got skeleton bone
+> [360] Got llama lama gong, skeleton bone
+> [363] Got skeleton bone
+> [364] Got skeleton bone
-> Turn [355] Llama Lama
[365] Pirate Cove [9,4,13]
-> Turn [365] Frumious Bandersnatch
[366] Defiled Niche [5,10,9]
[367-368] Defiled Alcove [36,23,37]
+> [368] Got loose teeth
[369] Defiled Cranny [25,12,33]
[370-375] Defiled Niche [53,130,58]
+> [375] Got lavender candy heart, lavender candy heart
[376-377] Haert of the Cyrpt [39,21,63]
+> [377] Got chest of the Bonerdagon, skull of the Bonerdagon
o> Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [187,150,150]
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
-> Turn [377] Hobo Monkey
[378-382] Boss Bat's Lair [32,14,32]
+> [382] Got Boss Bat bandana
-> Turn [382] Green Pixie
[383-385] Pirate Cove [42,7,23]
[386-392] Pirate Cove [43,33,67]
+> [389] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [391] Got stuffed shoulder parrot
[393-399] Greater-Than Sign [15,16,18]
+> [393] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [32,30,29]
-> Turn [393] Frumious Bandersnatch
[400-401] Itznotyerzitz Mine [10,9,17]
[402] Post-Cyrpt Cemetary [0,54,0]
[403] Haunted Bathroom [5,5,8]
-> Turn [403] Green Pixie
[404-413] Itznotyerzitz Mine [42,34,66]
+> [408] Got miner's helmet
+> [409] Got 7-Foot Dwarven mattock
+> [413] Got miner's pants
=> Level 8 (Turn 411)! (42/41/53)
[414-417] Greater-Than Sign [0,8,0]
+> [414] Got plus sign
[418] Menagerie 3 [8,5,7]
-> Turn [418] Frumious Bandersnatch
[419] Itznotyerzitz Mine [3,4,4]
[420] Spooky Forest [7,8,10]
[421] Itznotyerzitz Mine [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 tasty tart (5 adventures gained) [6,5,6]
[422-424] Mix [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 Mae West (21 adventures gained) [0,0,45]
[427] Mix 3 coconut shell + 3 vodka gibson [0,0,0]
[430] Mix [0,0,0]
[432] Mix 1 boxed champagne + 1 raspberry [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 parisian cathouse (12 adventures gained) [0,0,19]
o> Drank 3 vodka stratocaster (57 adventures gained) [97,0,54]
[433] Greater-Than Sign [4,4,12]
-> Turn [433] Green Pixie
[434-447] Dungeons of Doom [112,84,65]
+> [436] Got dead mimic
+> [441] Got magic whistle
+> [442] Got ring of aggravate monster
[448] Itznotyerzitz Mine [0,0,0]
[449-460] Itznotyerzitz Mine (in Disguise) [0,0,0]
[461-464] Goatlet [23,12,32]
+> [463] Got goat cheese
+> [464] Got bottle of whiskey
[465] Limerick Dungeon [0,0,0]
#> [465] Semirare: The Bleary-Eyed Cyclops
[466-487] Goatlet [157,126,190]
+> [470] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
+> [471] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
+> [473] Got bottle of whiskey
+> [474] Got goat cheese
+> [484] Got bottle of whiskey
+> [486] Got goat cheese
+> [487] Got goat cheese
-> Turn [487] Llama Lama
[488-493] South of the Border [40,18,40]
+> [488] Got tamarind-flavored chewing gum
+> [490] Got handsomeness potion, llama lama gong
+> [491] Got bottle of tequila
+> [492] Got Meleegra? pills
+> [493] Got mariachi G-string
-> Turn [491] He-Boulder
-> Turn [493] Star Starfish
[494] Knob Shaft [0,0,0]
+> [494] Got pink candy heart, pink candy heart
-> Turn [494] Frumious Bandersnatch
[495-502] Pirate Cove [32,38,80]
+> [496] Got eyepatch
+> [498] Got bottle of rum
+> [502] Got swashbuckling pants
[503-511] Haunted Gallery [78,51,125]
-> Turn [503] He-Boulder
-> Turn [509] Frumious Bandersnatch
-> Turn [511] Green Pixie
[512-531] 8-Bit Realm [74,40,48]
+> [517] Got glimmering roc feather
+> [522] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
o> Ate 2 Hell ramen (58 adventures gained) [63,51,52]
o> Ate 1 Knob pasty (6 adventures gained) [6,6,5]
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [25,26,29]
[532-533] Haunted Gallery [0,0,187] (Stopped here to save on MoMs. Enough MoMs for a 6 day run.)
o> Drank 1 ducha de oro (17 adventures gained) [10,27,0]

After 3 days, I realise two things.

1) I really fail. Keep making stupid mistakes
2) Familiars that i buy at more than 10m tend to be hard to use. Examples: BGP, Bandersnatch
3) I can't count for more than 2.5 beats.
4) I really need a good source of MP. Even mp from KGE is still quite expensive.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FoB run. Attempt 6-7 day HCNP AT!

Started: 18th August 2009
Moon sign: The Mongoose
Day rundowns:
Day 1: FoB
Day 3-4: Muscle
Lead in: HCNP Sauceror (Nice food! + Stainless steel scarf!)


Start run, visit random people, sell gems. Look through my pathetic telescope and find that i get Marichi G-String =.=

2 Feathers, 3 AC booze from tavern, then OVERDRINK! WTF LA. Screwed up day 1. =.=


Not to waste fullness, so bought 20+ mugcakes and consumed. 81 turns banked. =.=


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blah blah bleh

Failure second round = Failure overall score

T_T No position for senior T_T

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Blogger is glitching?

As time passes, the fact that the world is full of freaking retarded people is becoming more and more evident.