Sunday, June 22, 2008


Quiz koped from alan's blog XD

Quiz Candidate:[Name] Lawrence Li[Age] 13 turning 14 in a few days[Gender] Male
Open Ended: 10 marks
1. What is your height and weight? 16X cm and 53kg respectively.
2. What is your personality and temperament? I try to be funny and random.... sometimes i fail, but when others laugh i feel good XD
3. What is your Dream? To finally be able to feel good about myself
4. Who would you want to go out with? Errrr......anyone as long as its not Ivan XD
5. What is your favourite Comic Book? I don't read much comics .... but i suppose japanese manga is quite good.
6. What is your favourite animal? I like birds, maybe a albatross?
7. What do you think of money? Money is useful.... but it can't get you everything you want as shown in a specific case =P
8. What time do you normally reach school? around 0700h
9. What is the best gift that you've ever received? The gift of some good advice and a kind word
10. Who, in your opinion, should take this quiz? Everyone XD
11. What are the details that you look out for when you're looking at a member of the opposite sex? Lets not answer this question to avoid misunderstandings XD
Free Response: 5 marks
1. Think of a person. Describe him/her with respect to personality, attitude and appearance. A total of 4 pointers should be present, together with the person's name. Each missing point warrants a loss of 1 mark.
[Person] Ivan [4 pointers] Ivan is only interested in math, he dislikes being irritated and will whack you hard if you do so. He is thin and has a BMI of around 16.1 He works hard but spends a lot of time on math.
MCQ: 5 marksHere are six choices (A, B, C, D, E, F). Please answer using only the six given choices. A. ExtrovertedB. IntrovertedC. SweetD. RomanticE. Easy-GoingF. Random
1. What type of personality describes you well? F
2. What type of personality describes your best friend well? F
3. What type of personality describes your crush well? C
4. What type of personality would you want your soulmate to have? E
5. What is the antonym of B? A

Score: I have no idea.... go judge yourself XD

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