Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My second zak helm.

Guess what happened to it???

Freak it all. I bet Maple hates me or something.

First, to prove that i did indeed get helmed.

Blah, So i throw a 70% helm int.

*Poof* Fail.

And then the smart Law just Can't resist

throwing another one in.

Dude. The chance of this happening, is like, 2.25%. In fact, the chance of something really bad happening was 27.75%, And it just HAD TO HAPPEN.

On a side note though, Happy things will always have to happen.

Thanks Krack and Rage =] For training me at mong.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hi ryan

I just realised how u knew that my extra character was called differentiation -.-

Friday, October 24, 2008

A uber sadistic post.

I feel sadistic today. I shall have a post, to find out the chances of any of us having a genetic disorder/ illness.

All information is taken from wikipedia. I am only listing down SOME of the diseases.

I shall dao all the autosomal dominant ones, since they would probably be shown in your parents.

Cystic fibrosis --> 1 in 3,900 --> Something wrong with the mucus glands of your organs.
Sickle-cell disease --> Erm. Like half of the people in africa have this. I shall dao this also.
Tay-Sachs disease --> 1 in 300

Okay. Never mind. This is getting boring.

At this rate, everyone will probably have 1 disease or another. -.-

Ri Survey -.-

I had to do the stupid RI survey 4 times -.-

First time--> Last week, finished doing, then popup box to finish was automatically blocked.

Second time--> Today, finished doing, then popup box to finish was automatically blocked, then i realise that i must unblock it.

Third time --> Finished doing, unblocked it, but then google toolbar blocked it -.-

Fourth time --> Finish the survey

I feel like posting a sadistic post

Monday, October 20, 2008

Zak Helm


I went to get helmed today.

This are a few pictures to show HOW i got my helm. And how i lost it. (Almost immediately)

First, Lawrence the Dumb Dumb had to buy pots. Lots of pots.

Then, Lawrence the Dumb Dumb have to go enter.

Then, Lawrence the dum dumb Must REGISTER.

Then Lawrence the Dumb Dumb must throw 70% helm int on his helm. And guess what happen?

To those who don't understand, a 70% scroll has a 15% chance of destroying an item.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Math EOY

ha. i screwed up.

i keep mixing up area of circle and circumference of circle

2 marks gone T.T

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lawrence is pathetic at betting money in KOL.

As shown below.

I feel stupid. Unless I win another 5m. I lose money to the MMG.

Oh. And the Virus_Draft thing is 33 pages of Math Notes. Written by Me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am jealous

Of all those schools that are finishing their exams.

Why can't RI start and finish early too? I bet we're the last school to actually start, and stop. I mean. At the start, it may be fun, cos we can all slack and suan those people who have to mug for exams, but after all that, IT'S OUR TURN. Most people have already finished their exams. I feel so jealous. T_T

I wonder why RI has to make itself so special by pushing the exams back. Even RJC has finished a few weeks ago.

Haiz. At least once the first day is over, the rest are not THAT difficult. Hope I can get 3.8 for my GPA. Haiz

Back to mugging CHINESE T_T

Friday, October 3, 2008

Re Congress

Re Congress Is also known as a Super Boring "fun" Fair With No games, Lots of booths for people to show off that they got Distinction for RE, And A Uber boring talk that lasts for 3 hours.

However, ShanZhi's Group On destination Imagination was Really Really Really Good. And funny.

I'm Sick And tired.

And the worst Thing that could ever possibly happen has happened. I HAVENT DONE MY TAKE HOME TEST FOR SMOJ!!!!! AHHHHH !!!! DIE!!!!!! But then again, the questions are frigging easy (Fine, maybe question 1 needs some thinking), but the problem is the proving. As everyone should know, I SUCK AT PROVING. ARGH!!!!!

Tomorrow is the Not Take Home Test. I look forward to getting pwned by it. Hope I get into SMO Senior Team By next year, so i can catch up with the Rest. T_T

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sorry Justin.

Bloons 3 is out. YAY!!

So fun =]
So addictive =]