Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm bored

Im bored...

So i've decided to Set my whole post in code.

11284 1924981 109582 82935 2991 59298592 1239519 91992958 1823885 12389590123 235882 32999852 83298952 83828 592 93281951 865 91 05912 3571 2395 29835 928 39 19283 5982 398 19235186293859821 695 28 95283 569 21863 5928635 982356 918236 56912836 5981263 986 5192836 598236 561238 562913865 982369 856928 65928 6519659 08 6905 047 650761

If you can decode that ur pro.
And guitar is one of the top 5 hardest instruments to play!?!?!??!?!
(Cos that was just random numbers)

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