Sunday, October 18, 2009



At first i didn't really understand the rivalry? between the two schools, but after Sooo long i finally understand!

1!!!: They're trained at a young age to hate RI guys! That is so dumb.

2!!!: Sorry if i'm overgeneralising here, but they're so dumb!!!! Please. If you want to give advice to people on MH. Please do your research first before giving it. If you don't, you mislead people, and guide them onto the path of suboptimal-ness (is that even a word?). Idiots. 12 luck SOOOO does not cover the 30% bonus catch rate you get from DDB.

3!: ACSI people are freaking ass holes. Please. My thread title says selling at 1.1k pp. No point insisting that i should sell you at 1k pp even when i tell you nicely that the price is fixed. Zzzzzz

Grarrrrrh. So irritating.

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