Sunday, November 1, 2009

Zzzz Scammer people

An idiotic person just tried to scam me and my mum. Assss.

The car's tire got owned, then my mum called this person to help put the spare tire in (I can do it, but my mum thinks i can't. And my dad is away Zzz)

After my mum found out that I could change the tire, she still wanted the guy to come fix the tire so that he wouldn't have wasted his time coming to our house. Zzzzz. Then this guy takes his time to get to our house, and gets us to wait half an hour. =.= And we still let him fix our tire.
Then this idiot tries so scam us. =.=, asking for like 20$ more than the original agreed price =.= So I got dam pissed, and begin changing the tire, and then he immediately pushes me away, and offers the original price. Zzzzzzzz.

Zzzzz. What an ass.

Now to play Halo!!! =D

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