Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Would you say that Universities help to bring education of the people to a whole new level?

I beg to differ.

It is with the presence of these universities and these requirements for Jobs that restrict the true nature of education. The true pursuit for information. The satisfaction of the young curious mind.

With universities come entrance tests like the A levels.

With these entrance tests come a syllabus made to help students get better results for these tests.

With these syllabus's, our time in schools are wasted, learned basic things over and OVER again.

What kind of education is this, to be focused primarily on the learning of things that would help us get more marks in a test, than to explore and learn the truly wondrous information our world has in store for us. To learn these things to satisfy our curiousity instead of just for the sake of knowing them.

What kind of education system is this?

(Clearly here the problem is the feasibility of providing a curriculum which can satisfy the needs of all the people in a school, there are just people who are too far ahead/behind in each school, that it is impossible to cater for all.) The fail in the exams still apply. Regardless

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