Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How literary proficiency could affect thinking speeds

I'm pretty sure everyone thinks, and when doing all that thinking, it's probably like a tiny voice speaking out loud, of course with what it says being what you're thinking. It's just like when you read essays, or pieces of text, when you read the words out in your head. That's probably one of the ways you think.

But of course, there are other ways for a person to think. you can imagine pictures, shapes, symbols, just like when imagining how

2...... 3 ....................2
-- x --- gives you -----
3 ......4 ....................4

whee 3s cancel off =D.

So, as a result of these thoughts being spoken out loud in your head, have you ever thought about how language could affect your rate of thought, or your ability to solve problems? Just by being able to finish your sentences faster in your head, wouldn't you be able to think faster, and make links faster? Language potentially could have a impact on the speed at which we think, potentially giving certain people certain advantages.

Of course, this isn't the only kind of thought that people have. A great example is when it comes to reading quickly, or the skimming of texts. Instead of reading entire sentences, only certain more important words are seen, hence allowing us to get a rather accurate impression of the text rather quickly. This kind of thought would probably belong to the second category, where we think, unbound by the constraints of language. This is the kind of thought where everything is based on impressions, where ideas come and go. Of course, we always have to spend time using language to help us consolidate these thoughts as we construct them in our heads.

So now we come to the interesting consequences that could potentially result from this limitation of thought by language. Would people who are less proficient in the languages be able to think faster, just because they would be able to think in a less bound manner? Would people who would have a large vocabulary filled with bombastic words be hindered when it comes to thinking quickly?

An actual application of this idea could be found in mathematics. When it comes to thinking about problems, thinking about equations, the mathematical language is found to be much faster when it comes to helping us solve equations. Just think about solving the simple problem 7x7 in your head. If visualized in symbols, the answer comes rapidly and quickly, but if visualized as words, seven times seven equals forty nine, the answer comes at a much slower pace. This is a clear example as to how language is an important criteria to consider when it comes to thought processing speeds.

No doubt, as society progresses, the humans that would eventually emerge as being "smarter" or faster thinkers would have to overcome this language barrier when it comes to thinking, and probably use a more impressionistic manner of thought, just like the way we skim through texts and absorb ideas.

So now let us go on another line of thought. Is saying these words in our minds really how we think? Haven't you ever had the experience of playing a tune in your head, and while that tune is playing, think about how awesome/horrible the tune is? Think about it. In this scenario, we have two trains of thought, one of the music, and one of our opinion of the music. So which is the "thought"? Or is this thought woefully limited to the amount that we have previously experienced? An attempt to say many different trains of thought in one's mind usually gives a bunch of jumbled rubbish, just like it would sound in reality. Are our these thoughts so limited to what we have previously experienced and heard or seen before?

And so i suggest the true thing that is the human thought. The subconscious. All of our thoughts are based subconsciously. The thoughts that we do think are the conscious thoughts, that arise from the interaction of our subconscious and conscious. Blah blah. i'm confused. bye.

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