Monday, September 29, 2008

Why I hate Kester.

Finally, I have enough time, and enough reason to write this.

Updated As of 10.45 Pm 29 September 2008. (+8 Gmt)

1. Kester is Bossy. Bossy enough. Since he's not the one in charge, why does he always boss people around? It's not like we have already accepted him as a leader. Why is it that he always thinks that EVERYONE supports him when actually, no one does? Like during MOV, when we (the class) have already voted Naishad as the director, why does Kester have to butt in and order people around? It's not like he's the director. And like during that day when we had that councilling Jason session, why is it that Kester must be so bossy and INSTRUCT us all to do this and do that... Again, like that day when we had to stay back for Mov, to do our props, why is it that Kester is the one ordering people around to do stuff, when Yenter is the I.C.?
Dude, we don't want you "helping the class"

2. Kester always acts cool, pretending to sleep in class, insulting does people who he thinks are of lower standards then him, like Jason, like the "nerd club" when they didn't do anything to him. So you like to discriminate and ostracize against other people? Yea, well what goes around comes around. It's now YOUR turn. He also swears a lot, trying to act cool, everyday down there is hokkien vulgarities and "f***" So, now swearing is cool?
And then back to the point on sleeping in class. Kester has no reason to stay up late. He close to doesn't do ANY work at all during group projects, and slacks a LOT. He doesn't do a lot of his homework, except for maybe Math. So why does he sleep in class? We realise that most of the time, Kester is NOT sleeping. He is just putting his head down, and pretending to sleep, and maybe even attract attention. When people around him talk about him, he will immediately wake up, and pretend to have just woken up. Please la kester, that is sooooo fake.
And then Kester think's he's very strong. Like real. As proven today, a UNFIT MG person is fully capable of tackling him. And even if you are strong, so what? Oh. So if I'm strong, I can use violence to get what I want? I can poke people if I feel like it? Oh. If I'm strong, I can boss people around right?

And sure, tucking out your shirt is COOL man

3. Kester is a hypocrit. This point is just to point out that his, and his friends arguments are TOTALLY flawed, they are being totally hypocritical, so their arguments basically just backfire against them. (Then again, almost everyone is hypocritical)
And in your blog, you mention that you have already given up on us. Then WHY IS IT THAT YOU STILL FOLLOW US DURING LUNCH TO RJC??? AND EVEN WHEN WE TRY TO AVOID YOU, YOU STILL FOLLOW US? HMM?

I quote from Kester's blog:

hello to everyone
1. to law, jus, les
fuck. you
you can go on and on and make stupid jokes about me in your little corner there
watch. me. care
i dont give a fuck
i dont need you three
[End Quote]

So now what Kester? What are you trying to do? Since you don't care, then why do you even follow us?

4. Kester act's differently in front of different people, sucking up to them. A very clear example. The way kester treats Girls and Guys. If it's a girl, he will be very nice to them, and not use much vulgarities, at most using them to show that he is "Strong, and cool". Then when he talks to guys, he'll always use vulgarities, and keep pointing middle finger. I wonder why this is so. Hmmm..... That's why most of the people arguing for him are all girls. Another example is like the bio teacher and the geog teacher. Kester is extremely agressive towards the geog teacher, always being sarcastic and talking behind her back, like saying that she has a plastic face. Then, Kester is extremely flirtateous towards the bio teacher.

5. Kester thinks he is pro at everything. Example: During Mov drama challenge, when we were doing the props, Kester demanded that he would be the one spray painting and painting the stuff, because he "has had spray painting lessons before". And like he's very good at it. When he paints the fireplace, he uses so much paint, that the paint basically overflows, and then he orders US to help him fan it. And he mixes the wrong paints together.
Another thing is during P.E. Everytime one of his teamates fail at running past someone, gets tackled, or fails to catch the ball, he will always curse and swear and say stuff like " Why You never get the ball". The truth is, most of the time, even Kester himself wouldn't be able to do what he expects of his teamates.
And when he himself makes a mistake, he will refuse to admit it, unless there is overwhelming evidence that he has done it. Like today, when it was soooo a forward pass, he claimed that it was not, and it was just to the side. Whatever.

6. Kester forces himself onto others. Like justin. At first, Kester was sitting next to the "nerd club" and he didn't like it, so he decided to move over to the other side, and sit next to his "Best Friend" justin. And Justin is supposed to like it? He's supposed to be happy? I don't think he is. Or else why would he move away from his previous seat and now sit with us? Haha. And kester always tries to eat with the people that go to RJC. And cope food from everyone. Are we supposed to like that? Have you EVER gave anything to us? More then half of us don't like you. Don't you feel out of place? Why don't you hang out with people that actually want to follow you? No one ever follows you kester. It's always you following people. Isn't that weird? Even the "nerd club" people have friends.

7. Last point. This is directed at those people protecting Kester with the argument that he has PROBLEMS with his family.
Let us look at this from his parents point of view. If you have a son, who does badly in class, flirts with girls, and you keep getting calls from your son's teachers, would you be happy? Please la. More then 90% of the time my parents quarrel is because of me or my sister. Close to never do they argue about anything else. I ask you this Kester. Do you DESERVE a peaceful family for what you do in school? For your behavior? As I said earlier, what goes around comes around. How can you expect a happy family when you are causing so much trouble (be it directly or indirectly)?
Hmm Kester?

And no one EVER laughs with you. Everyone laughs AT you. You're not much better then Jason. Thanks.

Updated As of 10.45 Pm 29 September 2008. (+8 Gmt)

Now something on the brighter side of life. Something to lol at.

Read it Carefully. Look at how many retardedly funny mistakes there are.
And this is the way we are supposed to learn english?

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Screams Argh! Take home test so "Hard" haha
Screams So bored
Screams First question so hard, yay, at least a challenging question
Screams Bang Headshot
Screams I win
Screams Random

Friday, September 26, 2008

I wish i don't have to put a title

I have Dota on my computer. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I am a straightforward case for Math RA. Is that good or bad?
I found summation of n^11. I guess that's good?

1^11 + 2^11 + 3^11.........+ n^11 =

.(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(2n^8 + 8n^7 + 4n^6 - 16n^5 - 5n^4 + 22n^3 - 3n^2 - 20n + 10)

The movie stormbreaker is supposed to be an action movie, but it's sooo funny.
Kester's friend should have a lesson with Mr. Ayodeleoja (oops i mean Dr.) to learn all about Modus Pollums and Modus Tollens

Lets use Microsoft Excel to find the solution to this question:

Suppose a1 is the first digit (after the decimal point) of Pi, a2 is the second digit, and so on...
What would the following formula equal:
(a1 - a2) * (a2 - a3) * (a3 - a4) * ... * (a99 - a100)

As you can clearly see, I'm bored

Edit: The question is very easy. And i took so frigging long to realise it. Bangs head on wall

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Genesis + Mong + Not So Pro Person person playing = Uber good exp with Uber high chance of dying...

Ultimately = Lose Exp

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stupid Projects

Finally after 2 nights of spamming, SCIENCE Pt has been finished.

Now for Geog

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh and no mattar what you do to me. I know I have something you will Never EVER have.

I have friends
Kester is a Retard

Friday, September 12, 2008

Something to Lol At.

Some thing to Lol At.

A note: This is not done by me. it is done by other member's of my class and is done purely for entertainment value. No malice of another form is meant towards the character.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jason is a Emo Frig

Yea. He is. I mean which kind of person tears up his test paper?!?!? And he wasn't even lowest in class....

Jason so irritating. The other day after he made a fuss during Math, After the lesson, when I went out of class, he shoved me REALLY hard. And everyone saw it. So now all the teachers are telling me stuff like you shouldn'y irritate him, you should be understanding.. Blah Blah. Zzz... When I didnt do anything at all?


Monday, September 8, 2008


I am too blunt

GE Pwns CO!!!

T_T i want my hardisk drive back. Without it, i cant play game maker games i downloaded, I cant look at nice Maple Pictures and Add new ones. I cant do any of my work. I cant do stuff that i want to do.....

Basically i want my hard disk drive FIXED.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My current guild

Okay. Here's an update to tell everyone about my NEW GUILD. Cos im lazy to write it all out on my tagboard.

Basically. Smash was a uber pro guild, with everyone above 140 and all helmed. However Once, during a zak run, something happened, and there was a schism. Everyone Split into two sides. One half joined another guild(cant remember which one) and the other half stayed in Smash. So yea. Smash changed, and became filled with nubs like me. I knew this all cos my friend who invited me spammed me with Smash's history.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holidays are Over T_T

First i shall show off what i bought for 160m in MAPLE!!

<-- Very Very EXPENSIVE Passed 3 30% scrolls and 4 60% scrolls My damage doesn't seem to be better then last time though

<-- Now I'm Level 62 o.0 That took like 4months.

The other day. I went to the library, I saw a nice book. Now I'm addicted to Prime Number Theorum and Riemann's Zeta Function stuff even though i don't understand half of it. Haiz. Must go read more carefully.

And NOW, I finally know the reason why Lesmana couldn't get into RI through DSA.

Interview between Lesmana and Random School Teacher.

Teacher: What is your impression of RI?
Lesmana: I think RI's Swimming pool is really small. ACS's Swimming pool is MUCH BIGGER.

Teacher: Why do you want to come to RI?
Lesmana:My parents want me to come to RI. I don't want to. In the future I will just work for my Father.