Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holidays are Over T_T

First i shall show off what i bought for 160m in MAPLE!!

<-- Very Very EXPENSIVE Passed 3 30% scrolls and 4 60% scrolls My damage doesn't seem to be better then last time though

<-- Now I'm Level 62 o.0 That took like 4months.

The other day. I went to the library, I saw a nice book. Now I'm addicted to Prime Number Theorum and Riemann's Zeta Function stuff even though i don't understand half of it. Haiz. Must go read more carefully.

And NOW, I finally know the reason why Lesmana couldn't get into RI through DSA.

Interview between Lesmana and Random School Teacher.

Teacher: What is your impression of RI?
Lesmana: I think RI's Swimming pool is really small. ACS's Swimming pool is MUCH BIGGER.

Teacher: Why do you want to come to RI?
Lesmana:My parents want me to come to RI. I don't want to. In the future I will just work for my Father.

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