Friday, November 13, 2009

RGS nite

Zzzzzz. Free tickets are never good. All the way at the back in a corner =.=.

Anyway, through this concert i found out two things!

RGS likes synchronized movements alot!

RGS GE fail! They have alto guitars and they use them to play chords =.= I'm sure.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Immature women are funny. And noisy. And wake you up on the bus when you want to sleep when they randomly start shouting.

My GPA is so screwed up!!! =( I get alot higher than what i expected for the two subjects that I hate the most, and frequently sleep through. (bio + lit) =(. And the two subjects that i really was aiming to get high for fail horribly, and missed the 4.0 by a tiny bit >.<

And i failed chinese... AGAIN! =( Hope i don't have to take the retest >.<

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Zzzz Scammer people

An idiotic person just tried to scam me and my mum. Assss.

The car's tire got owned, then my mum called this person to help put the spare tire in (I can do it, but my mum thinks i can't. And my dad is away Zzz)

After my mum found out that I could change the tire, she still wanted the guy to come fix the tire so that he wouldn't have wasted his time coming to our house. Zzzzz. Then this guy takes his time to get to our house, and gets us to wait half an hour. =.= And we still let him fix our tire.
Then this idiot tries so scam us. =.=, asking for like 20$ more than the original agreed price =.= So I got dam pissed, and begin changing the tire, and then he immediately pushes me away, and offers the original price. Zzzzzzzz.

Zzzzz. What an ass.

Now to play Halo!!! =D

Thursday, October 22, 2009


One more day of Exams! (Lit doesn't count sorry =( )
This year's EoYs were so slack, no one seems to have the mood for EoYs (except some muggers =.= )

I am so going to fail bio. I just started mugging. And i've been sleeping through bio lessons for the whole year. Die.............................................

Sunday, October 18, 2009

pretty pictures!

yay! MH pwnage!

Observe starting date. Observe catches =D



At first i didn't really understand the rivalry? between the two schools, but after Sooo long i finally understand!

1!!!: They're trained at a young age to hate RI guys! That is so dumb.

2!!!: Sorry if i'm overgeneralising here, but they're so dumb!!!! Please. If you want to give advice to people on MH. Please do your research first before giving it. If you don't, you mislead people, and guide them onto the path of suboptimal-ness (is that even a word?). Idiots. 12 luck SOOOO does not cover the 30% bonus catch rate you get from DDB.

3!: ACSI people are freaking ass holes. Please. My thread title says selling at 1.1k pp. No point insisting that i should sell you at 1k pp even when i tell you nicely that the price is fixed. Zzzzzz

Grarrrrrh. So irritating.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


EoYs Are over!!!!!! Rejoice!!!!

That was fast! English was so boring. Chinese was so crappy. Wrote my ying yong wen in like 20 mins cos i spent too much time writing my Bao zhang du hou gan. Hope I get 3.2! =(

Lucky the worst tests are in the front! 1 more crappy test to go! Must mug SS so that i can get 4.0!!!

Blogging before EoYs is bad. if i don't get 4.0 for SS, i'm blaming blogger!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Nuuuuuu! EOYs are here!

All my subjects all so borderline! So stressss =.=

Grarrrrh. Screw chinese and lit. stupid subjects.

slacking for the whole year is definately not something smart to do

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I have a blog!

I didn't know!

I don't care how dead this blog is. THIS URL IS MINE!!!!! YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bleh. Failure run

First 3 days!

Epic failure!

===Day 1===

[0] Ascension Start [0,0,0]
+> [0] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker, white candy heart
+> [0] Got yellow candy heart
#> Turn [0] pulled 1 Clan VIP Lounge key
#> Turn [0] pulled 103 roll of toilet paper
-> Turn [0] Llama Lama
[1-2] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [1] Got stolen accordion (T_T Why can't get nice imba turn 1 worthless T_T)
+> [2] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[3] Sewer With Clovers [0,0,0]
+> [3] Got spices, ten-leaf clover, worthless trinket (5 clover day. So nice, pity cant use effectively)
[4] Lemon Party [0,0,0]
[5-12] Haunted Pantry [3,8,11]
+> [5] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker, scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker
+> [5] Got scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker, scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker (Great =.= Day 1 3 unicorns. SO HELPFUL!)
+> [6] Got razor-sharp can lid
+> [9] Got llama lama gong
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
=> Level 2 (Turn 12)! (2/4/5)
[13-14] Guild Challenge [0,0,0]
o> Used 2 giant moxie weed [0,0,13]
[15] Haunted Pantry [0,0,0]
[16-17] Outskirts of The Knob [6,1,5]
[18] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [18] Got mosquito larva
-> Turn [18] Green Pixie
[19] 8-Bit Realm [1,0,0]
+> [19] Got yellow candy heart
[20-21] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [20] Got orange candy heart, spices
+> [21] Got Spooky Temple map
[22] Outskirts of The Knob [2,1,1]
[23-30] 8-Bit Realm [22,19,29]
+> [25] Got coconut shell, coconut shell, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella
+> [25] Got magical ice cubes (Ewwwww Only 1 moxie T_T)
=> Level 3 (Turn 28)! (6/5/8)
[31-40] Typical Tavern Quest [20,11,23]
+> [33] Got glimmering roc feather, tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [38] Got bottle of tequila
+> [40] Got llama lama gong
-> Turn [35] He-Boulder
-> Turn [36] Green Pixie
-> Turn [37] Llama Lama
[41] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 bowl of cottage cheese (2 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[42] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 salty dog (7 adventures gained) [0,10,0]
[43-45] Typical Tavern Quest [2,4,8]
+> [45] Got lavender candy heart, pink candy heart
[46-47] 8-Bit Realm [3,5,3]
o> Ate 1 single-serving herbal stuffing (12 adventures gained) [0,0,30]
[48-52] Typical Tavern Quest [4,3,11] (So. Bloody. Long)
+> [52] Got Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill, Typical Tavern swill
[53] 8-Bit Realm [2,3,2]
[54-55] Haunted Pantry [0,0,3]
[56-58] Haunted Billiards Room [3,6,6]
+> [56] Got llama lama gong
+> [58] Got pool cue
-> Turn [56] Green Pixie
[59-61] Spooky Forest [0,2,0]
+> [60] Got glimmering roc feather
-> Turn [61] Frumious Bandersnatch
[62] Mix 1 magical ice cubes + 1 Typical Tavern swill [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 mugcake (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0] (Despo. 9 substats points to level)
[63] Haunted Billiards Room [2,3,5]
+> [63] Got pink candy heart
o> Ate 1 mugcake (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[64] Haunted Billiards Room [4,4,4]
+> [64] Got yellow candy heart
o> Drank 1 blended frozen swill (13 adventures gained) [3,3,27]
o> Used 2 glimmering roc feather (14 adventures gained) [43,59,50]
=> Level 4 (Turn 64)! (11/12/15)
[65-66] Mix 1 little paper umbrella + 1 Typical Tavern swill [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 bowl of cottage cheese (2 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Drank 2 fruity girl swill (34 adventures gained) [5,60,5] (Screwed up here. Accidentally overdrank =.=)
o> Ate 14 mugcake (14 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
o> Ate 2 spooky mushroom (5 adventures gained) [0,0,0]

===Day 2===

o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
[86] Guano Junction [8,2,5]
[87-89] Stately Pleasure Dome [10,6,14]
+> [88] Got lavender candy heart, orange candy heart, orange candy heart
-> Turn [89] He-Boulder
[90] Knob Goblin Harem [0,0,8]
[91] Mouldering Mansion [0,0,0]
+> [91] Got yellow candy heart
[92-93] Knob Goblin Harem [8,5,11]
+> [93] Got Knob Goblin harem pants, Knob Goblin harem veil, Knob Goblin perfume, disease (Yay for he boulder!)
-> Turn [93] Frumious Bandersnatch
[94] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [94] Got spooky sapling
[95] Rogue Windmill [0,0,0]
+> [95] Got not-a-pipe
[96-97] Haunted Billiards Room [7,8,12]
[98] Outskirts of The Knob [0,0,0]
[99] Knob Goblin Treasury [5,8,4]
[100-102] Haunted Billiards Room [4,5,15]
+> [100] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [22,30,25]
o> Used 1 not-a-pipe (4 adventures gained) [29,20,23]
-> Turn [101] Green Pixie
[103-119] Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary [41,39,65]
+> [104] Got skeleton bone
+> [108] Got smart skull
+> [109] Got loose teeth
+> [114] Got smart skull
+> [115] Got loose teeth
+> [116] Got skeleton bone
+> [117] Got grave robbing shovel
=> Level 5 (Turn 110)! (15/17/20)
[120] Outskirts of The Knob [0,0,0]
#> [120] Semirare: Lunchboxing
[121] Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary [0,0,0]
[122-135] Fernswarthy's Ruins [24,20,34]
+> [129] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
o> Used 1 Manual of Dexterity [0,0,20] (Retarded part. At 80% drop rate, two brainsweepers both fail to drop =.=)
[136] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [136] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[137] Fernswarthy's Ruins [0,15,0]
+> [137] Got disembodied brain
[138] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [138] Got ten-leaf clover, worthless knick-knack
[139] Fernswarthy's Ruins [0,15,0]
+> [139] Got disembodied brain
[140-141] Knob Goblin Kitchens [5,4,8]
+> [141] Got Knob sausage
[142-144] Outskirts of The Knob [6,1,6]
+> [143] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [144] Got chef's hat, empty meat tank, tires
[145-148] Knob Goblin Treasury [8,11,15]
[149-153] Unlucky Sewer [0,0,0]
+> [150] Got spices
+> [152] Got worthless gewgaw
+> [153] Got worthless trinket
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
-> Turn [153] Llama Lama
[154-160] Fun House [20,13,36]
+> [154] Got green candy heart
[161-164] Fun House [16,15,30]
+> [161] Got bottle of vodka
+> [164] Got llama lama gong
[165] King's Chamber [0,0,0]
o> Used 1 Knob Goblin perfume [17,20,33]
-> Turn [165] Green Pixie
[166-167] Fun House [3,6,3]
+> [166] Got box
[168-170] Knob Goblin Treasury [4,5,19]
+> [170] Got chef-in-the-box
[171-179] Guano Junction [13,14,26]
+> [171] Got baseball
+> [172] Got broken skull, loose teeth
+> [173] Got loose teeth
+> [174] Got sonar-in-a-biscuit
+> [176] Got sonar-in-a-biscuit
+> [179] Got loose teeth, sonar-in-a-biscuit
-> Turn [179] Hobo Monkey
[180-192] Knob Goblin Treasury [34,19,43]
+> [190] Got white candy heart
-> Turn [180] Green Pixie
[193] Haunted Library [6,3,6]
o> Ate 1 spaghetti with Skullheads (25 adventures gained) [50,0,0]
[194-195] Dark Elbow of the Woods [11,6,12]
[196-209] Dark Neck of the Woods [44,35,68]
+> [196] Got ruby W, wussiness potion
+> [209] Got dodecagram
-> Turn [197] Hobo Monkey
[210-226] Dark Elbow of the Woods [56,58,122]
+> [226] Got eldritch butterknife
-> Turn [218] Frumious Bandersnatch
=> Level 6 (Turn 217)! (23/23/29)
[227-238] Dark Heart of the Woods [36,46,68]
+> [238] Got box of birthday candles
o> Ate 1 Hell ramen (25 adventures gained) [28,28,27]
o> Ate 1 Knob pasty (7 adventures gained) [5,5,5]
-> Turn [227] Green Pixie
-> Turn [228] Frumious Bandersnatch
[239-244] Friar's Gate [20,28,40]
[245-248] Barrel Full of Barrels [0,0,0]
+> [245] Got bottle of gin
+> [246] Got bottle of vodka
+> [247] Got bottle of vodka
+> [248] Got bottle of whiskey
[249-251] Muscle Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [251] Got ten-leaf clover
[252-254] Friar's Gate [7,8,17]
[255-261] Mix [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 Imp Ale (2 adventures gained) [8,0,-17]
o> Drank 1 gimlet (20 adventures gained) [0,44,0]
o> Drank 1 teqiwila slammer (19 adventures gained) [44,0,0]
o> Drank 1 thermos full of Knob coffee (9 adventures gained) [6,6,6]
o> Drank 1 yellow brick road (22 adventures gained) [0,47,0]
[263-283] Friar's Gate [82,87,210]
+> [263] Got Azazel's unicorn
+> [272] Got Azazel's lollipop
+> [283] Got Azazel's tutu
o> Used 1 strongness elixir [3,0,0]
[284-286] Moxie Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [286] Got barbed-wire fence
[287-289] Spooky Forest [3,6,15]
[290] Haunted Pantry [0,0,0]
#> [290] Semirare: The Pilsbury Doughjerk
[291] Spooky Forest [0,0,0]
+> [291] Got Spooky-Gro fertilizer
-> Turn [291] Llama Lama
[292-304] Haunted Library [50,53,140]
-> Turn [298] Green Pixie
[305-307] Muscle Vacation [21,0,0]
[308-311] Haunted Library [17,16,64]
+> [310] Got inkwell
-> Turn [311] Llama Lama
[312] Friar's Gate [0,0,0]
+> [312] Got steel margarita
[313-316] Haunted Conservatory [8,7,20]
[317-322] Mysticality Vacation [0,0,0]
+> [319] Got little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella
-> Turn [322] He-Boulder
[323] Hippy Camp [4,5,9]
+> [323] Got filthy corduroys, filthy knitted dread sack (He boulder FTW!!!! Makes things so trivial)
[324] Pirate Cove [6,6,6]
-> Turn [324] Green Pixie
[325-334] Defiled Alcove [100,47,79]
+> [325] Got loose teeth
+> [327] Got rusty grave robbing shovel
+> [332] Got loose teeth
=> Level 7 (Turn 334)! (32/32/40)
[335-336] Defiled Niche [0,0,0]
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [335] Got scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker
+> [336] Got scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker o.O parser glitchy?
o> Drank 1 Mae West (22 adventures gained) [0,0,44]

o.O parser glitchy?
===Day 3===

[337-343] Defiled Niche [31,19,34]
[344-350] Defiled Cranny [77,73,105]
+> [344] Got coconut shell, little paper umbrella, little paper umbrella, magical ice cubes
+> [349] Got coconut shell, lavender candy heart, lavender candy heart, orange candy heart
+> [349] Got orange candy heart, pink candy heart
[351-352] Defiled Nook [3,7,63]
+> [351] Got smart skull, tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [352] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 Manual of Dexterity [0,0,40]
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (8 adventures gained) [26,21,26]
[353] Menagerie 3 [5,3,11]
+> [353] Got bottle of gin, bottle of rum, bottle of tequila, bottle of vodka
+> [353] Got bottle of whiskey, boxed wine (He boulder FTW! =D)
-> Turn [353] He-Boulder
[354-364] Defiled Nook [52,59,267]
+> [355] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
+> [356] Got skeleton bone, smart skull
+> [359] Got skeleton bone
+> [360] Got llama lama gong, skeleton bone
+> [363] Got skeleton bone
+> [364] Got skeleton bone
-> Turn [355] Llama Lama
[365] Pirate Cove [9,4,13]
-> Turn [365] Frumious Bandersnatch
[366] Defiled Niche [5,10,9]
[367-368] Defiled Alcove [36,23,37]
+> [368] Got loose teeth
[369] Defiled Cranny [25,12,33]
[370-375] Defiled Niche [53,130,58]
+> [375] Got lavender candy heart, lavender candy heart
[376-377] Haert of the Cyrpt [39,21,63]
+> [377] Got chest of the Bonerdagon, skull of the Bonerdagon
o> Used 1 chest of the Bonerdagon [187,150,150]
o> Ate 1 fortune cookie (1 adventures gained) [0,0,0]
-> Turn [377] Hobo Monkey
[378-382] Boss Bat's Lair [32,14,32]
+> [382] Got Boss Bat bandana
-> Turn [382] Green Pixie
[383-385] Pirate Cove [42,7,23]
[386-392] Pirate Cove [43,33,67]
+> [389] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
+> [391] Got stuffed shoulder parrot
[393-399] Greater-Than Sign [15,16,18]
+> [393] Got glimmering roc feather
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [32,30,29]
-> Turn [393] Frumious Bandersnatch
[400-401] Itznotyerzitz Mine [10,9,17]
[402] Post-Cyrpt Cemetary [0,54,0]
[403] Haunted Bathroom [5,5,8]
-> Turn [403] Green Pixie
[404-413] Itznotyerzitz Mine [42,34,66]
+> [408] Got miner's helmet
+> [409] Got 7-Foot Dwarven mattock
+> [413] Got miner's pants
=> Level 8 (Turn 411)! (42/41/53)
[414-417] Greater-Than Sign [0,8,0]
+> [414] Got plus sign
[418] Menagerie 3 [8,5,7]
-> Turn [418] Frumious Bandersnatch
[419] Itznotyerzitz Mine [3,4,4]
[420] Spooky Forest [7,8,10]
[421] Itznotyerzitz Mine [0,0,0]
o> Ate 1 tasty tart (5 adventures gained) [6,5,6]
[422-424] Mix [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 Mae West (21 adventures gained) [0,0,45]
[427] Mix 3 coconut shell + 3 vodka gibson [0,0,0]
[430] Mix [0,0,0]
[432] Mix 1 boxed champagne + 1 raspberry [0,0,0]
o> Drank 1 parisian cathouse (12 adventures gained) [0,0,19]
o> Drank 3 vodka stratocaster (57 adventures gained) [97,0,54]
[433] Greater-Than Sign [4,4,12]
-> Turn [433] Green Pixie
[434-447] Dungeons of Doom [112,84,65]
+> [436] Got dead mimic
+> [441] Got magic whistle
+> [442] Got ring of aggravate monster
[448] Itznotyerzitz Mine [0,0,0]
[449-460] Itznotyerzitz Mine (in Disguise) [0,0,0]
[461-464] Goatlet [23,12,32]
+> [463] Got goat cheese
+> [464] Got bottle of whiskey
[465] Limerick Dungeon [0,0,0]
#> [465] Semirare: The Bleary-Eyed Cyclops
[466-487] Goatlet [157,126,190]
+> [470] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
+> [471] Got glass of goat's milk, goat cheese
+> [473] Got bottle of whiskey
+> [474] Got goat cheese
+> [484] Got bottle of whiskey
+> [486] Got goat cheese
+> [487] Got goat cheese
-> Turn [487] Llama Lama
[488-493] South of the Border [40,18,40]
+> [488] Got tamarind-flavored chewing gum
+> [490] Got handsomeness potion, llama lama gong
+> [491] Got bottle of tequila
+> [492] Got Meleegra? pills
+> [493] Got mariachi G-string
-> Turn [491] He-Boulder
-> Turn [493] Star Starfish
[494] Knob Shaft [0,0,0]
+> [494] Got pink candy heart, pink candy heart
-> Turn [494] Frumious Bandersnatch
[495-502] Pirate Cove [32,38,80]
+> [496] Got eyepatch
+> [498] Got bottle of rum
+> [502] Got swashbuckling pants
[503-511] Haunted Gallery [78,51,125]
-> Turn [503] He-Boulder
-> Turn [509] Frumious Bandersnatch
-> Turn [511] Green Pixie
[512-531] 8-Bit Realm [74,40,48]
+> [517] Got glimmering roc feather
+> [522] Got tiny bottle of absinthe
o> Ate 2 Hell ramen (58 adventures gained) [63,51,52]
o> Ate 1 Knob pasty (6 adventures gained) [6,6,5]
o> Used 1 glimmering roc feather (9 adventures gained) [25,26,29]
[532-533] Haunted Gallery [0,0,187] (Stopped here to save on MoMs. Enough MoMs for a 6 day run.)
o> Drank 1 ducha de oro (17 adventures gained) [10,27,0]

After 3 days, I realise two things.

1) I really fail. Keep making stupid mistakes
2) Familiars that i buy at more than 10m tend to be hard to use. Examples: BGP, Bandersnatch
3) I can't count for more than 2.5 beats.
4) I really need a good source of MP. Even mp from KGE is still quite expensive.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FoB run. Attempt 6-7 day HCNP AT!

Started: 18th August 2009
Moon sign: The Mongoose
Day rundowns:
Day 1: FoB
Day 3-4: Muscle
Lead in: HCNP Sauceror (Nice food! + Stainless steel scarf!)


Start run, visit random people, sell gems. Look through my pathetic telescope and find that i get Marichi G-String =.=

2 Feathers, 3 AC booze from tavern, then OVERDRINK! WTF LA. Screwed up day 1. =.=


Not to waste fullness, so bought 20+ mugcakes and consumed. 81 turns banked. =.=


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blah blah bleh

Failure second round = Failure overall score

T_T No position for senior T_T

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Blogger is glitching?

As time passes, the fact that the world is full of freaking retarded people is becoming more and more evident.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Look, It's Now 130!

=D 1-2 more levels,or a bit more ma to 10k damage with heal! Lol.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Look at what imba people can do -->

This is on saturday night (I think)
5k damage with heal! :P

And now sunday night:

Justin and Les chiong so fast. 1 week chiong 67-109 2 days from 77-109 =.= At this rate, bs will be a piece of cake. Haiz. Two crazy people chiong till littat =.=

Yay. And then just nice, imba ME! Somehow manages to forsee this possibility, that imba people will randomly chiong my acc. So I prepare a gen 20 from uber long ago.

And just nice, since everyone chiongs the new tiger/lion like boss thing, no one zaks anymore! So gen 20 prices are super inflated. (I believe gen 20 only drops from zak)

Yay! Gen 20 worth 100m+ Randomly earn so much! Woohoo!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

SMO open round II

4.5 hours of torture. They should really really shorten the time man. I mean out of the few 100? people that went for it, how many people actually use all the time.....

I spent only 2.5 hours. Then stone for 2 hours staring at 3 and 5.
So sian.

Dunno why right. Last hour feel so panicy. Like i'm in a nightmare. but awake. That kind of panicy. So weird.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


4 days to finish all my holiday homework!!!!


Holiday = School

Only difference is that you can procrastinate more!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Yay! Back home. Whatever.

Okay. Now to complain about totally screwed up Ascension records.

These are my ascension records. The webpage was found. Somewhere... No idea.
All these runs are supposedly my best runs. But all are really screwed up.
Lets see
SCNP: I quit when i played this. They hadn't implemented the thing where they count run days as when you break prism, not ascend.
HCNP: Screwed up run. Could have ascended on day 10 with EASE (Maybe even 9?). But interrupted by SIMO camp after day 8. So the run got extended by quite a bit. Not saying SIMO camp wasn't fun. But well.
HCB: No idea when i did this run. Who cares.
HCO: Randoming around in this run.
BMSC: Erm. First BM run?
BMAT: Erm. BM Black Cat run? I clicked wrong. =.= Clicked AT when I should have clicked DB.

So therefore:


On a side note, SIMO camp was fun! I think. Dunnno. I think i was tooo sleeepy too remember anything.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am lucky today

First, some random guy gave me 1m for trading him a stuffy.
Then, cos I had that 1m, I decided to reopen hobopolis.
Then because i was going to reopen hobopolis, i decided to go get my myst sign code.

So I clicked on the myst sign place.


I get this:

OMG WTF?!?!?

Epic luck: And for those who have no idea what this means.

Lol. I fail my math CCT. I feel sad. And happy cos i got a ultra rare.

So weird feeling.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Screwed up math CCT. Estimated score: 10/30. Epic fail. My long division is fail. Dunno why i so blur today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have decided to change back my blogskin.

Ryan will now have to find someone else to kope links from since I'm too lazy to update.

Edit: Maybe I'm not that lazy....

I believe 5 million links would be enough to lag Ryan's Comp.

4999968 More Links till 5 million links!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Toe getting better (After amputation), and my com is fixed! yay! Dunnid use sister's com anymore! Can dota! YAY!

Friday, April 17, 2009


My toenail grew into my toe. And then i never go treat it. Now infected. I now i have to get it amputated.


Okay that was all crap

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Okay. This is like. Some really late. Should have posted this looooooooonnnnnnnnnnng ago.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Math Enrichment Day?

Is it what it is?

I only remember it's Math E_________ Day..

It went well. It was fun!

The first group was so nice, so quiet. When we asked them if they want sweets, they also say don't want. Then no one wanted to volunteer for the activities.

The second group like totally opposite. They scream for sweets, and keep running around in the class.... Then randomly go write vulgarities on the blackboard -.-

/me shall not reveal their school.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


MEW over. Lol. MEW so fun, Lim Jeck so suan.

Today randomly fall down on the floor. For no reason at all. Head pain. Ow.


Sunday, March 8, 2009



See what me and You Jun did during Math Club/Ra training.

Erm. Whatever. Spot the smiley if you can!


Lawrence is so dead. Next week and next next week go so many thing. And then he still here blogging -.-

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Boost ego

Lol. The newbness of some people surprise me. Can't help it.

Overheard a conversation between two HCI guys on the bus.

Person 1: Lol. AT pwns
Person 2: No lor. I bet i have more meat then you. I have 10k
Person 1: Haha. So lousy. I have 65k
Person 2: Liar!!

I lol-ed when i heard them talk. Wanted to laugh. Lol

Sorry people =/

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hey. Don't ask me where the archives are. I have no idea too.

I don't like this blogskin. I only like the picture. It's so nice. -.-

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New blogskin

I fail at this. Nice picture though.

thanks irvin and yenter =D

Thursday, January 15, 2009


No idea why i'm spam posting. Maybe its because i have a chinese essay i dun want to write =/

Highlight the lines below 1 line by 1 line




Why are you still highlighting?

Do you think there will be something interesting here?

Go away

Stop scrolling

wakakaka. Bet you couldnt resist highlighting past that chunk


Seriously, go away

You don't want to read what i'm going to say

(that came a bit sudden didnt it)

what would you do if this was all just a trick?

there nothing below this anymore

no seriously


nothing to say

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Let me ask you something. What is the point of being an ALL-ROUNDER?

As in like, being good at everything.

I think its totally stupid.

I mean like. What's the point? Why bother spending time on subjects that wouldnt even be useful in your later life?

Like, would a lawyer need to know all about math? It doesn't seem very useful in his life.

Would a Scientist need to learn chinese? I doubt it.

And so we spend 12 years of our lives learning lots of stuff thats pretty redundant. I'm not saying its not useful, knowing basic english/math/science/whatever is pretty useful, but after a certain level, is it necessary to learn any more of it?

What would be the point of doing so?

Monday, January 12, 2009

First(ish) day of school + OBS


Except for the sunburn bit, and the sandfly bit.

We did lots of random stuff like jumping into the water, swimming in the water, paddling through the water, and trekking(not through the water)

And what's more, it didnt rain a single day during the whole camp. Which was freaking retarded. It was freaking hot.

First day of school was great, we got a bunch of new ownage teachers. That are nice, friendly and funny. AND A NEW CHINESE TEACHER!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT FINALLY....

And guess what we did for PE?

2.4km run. I bet they didnt plan properly and didnt have anything better for us to do, so made us run it.