Friday, August 29, 2008

After de test



I screwed up oral. Despite the examiner trying to help me by hinting that im wrong. I keep telling him the wrong answers.

i screwed up Scales. He told me to play so many frigging scales and i got so many of those frigging scales wrong despite practising so much

I screwed up My SECOND PIECE. Out of the 8 pages. I bet There was at least like 5 mistakes in each Page.


Piano Examinations

Its in 2 hours.

So nervous

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piano Exam!!!



Today i went to the piano studio to have a lesson. Then the teacher didnt show up. Instead his Mum was there, and she was screaming at her daughter random stuff about playing the piano. Her daughter is 4 years younger then me and Same GRADE (8) WTF!?!?!?!? Then i was playing piano in a room for like 2 hours.

Then i realised that i didnt have the entrance form for the exam. But i didnt dare ask my teacher's mum cos she was still screaming randomly and seemed really pist. After a while. She stopped screaming. Then i went in to ask her for it. WRONG THING TO DO. Apparantly screaming at her daughter wasnt enough. She started screaming at me. Poor me T_T

And then she was like giving me the WHY ISNT YOUR TEACHER HERE? WHY ARE U SO LOUSY? YOU KNOW U GOING TO FAIL? YOU ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU CONTINUE STANDING THERE speech. After a while she stopped, gave me my entry form, told me i was hopeless and went off. lol

So now poor lawrence has to play the piano


Lots of other interesting stuff happened today


just that lesmana rammed me really really hard and i flew backward, banged my jaw on the ground and my specs flew off. It was really cool. And my jaw hurted a lot -.-

Then there was recess. Basically Luo Somehow managed to piss Jason(person we all hate in out class. Fine maybe not even fit to be a person). He emos. Says something like "I dun wan to be in the same class as you" Then runs out. I scream after him " No One Wants to be in the same class as you either" Lol. Then he was freaking angry and RAN OFF...

Then science.

We finished watching Fat Man and Little Boy. It was so fun. Then there was one part when they tested the nuclear bomb, they showed a scene where the person mouth's was blown wide open. Like in the wind tunnel


Sunday, August 24, 2008


Piano exam in 5 days

I confirm fail T_T



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Portable Hardisk Drive

My portable hardisk drive's port is looseDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
There goes all my games and all my work. DAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
Never mind. THERE IS ALWAYS WARRANTY XD muahahahahahahahaha

One LAST cct. And then RE. And then a few more projects. And then a few more performance tasks. And then... And then....

After all that. I'm free. How optimistic.

Today i went for Science Remedial. To learn stuff(and to suan people)
But it was quite fun (AND I GOT TO NOT GO FOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE!! But i dun feel really happy. I wanted to go GE, but yang terng forced me to go science remedial with him)
another perfect score for math. I kind of expected it. ( I wrote my answers on my calculater to compare with people after the test)
After tomorrow i am going to be really happy. FINALLY NO MORE TESTS
And then there MATH PT. *grins* This is going to be fun YAY!! Trigo with making ur own equipement is like the most uber fun project. Only problem is, THE Trigo part is very very VERY easy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

History Cct

All the Ccts hate lawrence. They all bully him. Today history cct, and then Lawrence's pen no ink. So he borrow fren one. The fren one also no ink but lawrence never realise and stupidly go and use it.
Then 3 minutes into the test, he runs out of ink. He bangs head on wall. He raises his hand up. Waves. Teacher daos him. He spends 5 minutes trying to get the teacher's attention, and is finally given ANOTHER a bit the no ink pen. So poor lawrence has to use 3 pens that have no ink to write his essays. So Lawrence wastes a lot of time switching in between pens.

Lawrence is not like Ccts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Raffles Academy

I Even
Don't Though
Know I
They My
Don't Overall
Let 3.6
Me Gpa
Register And
For Top
Raffles 15%
Academy Percentile

This is stupid... Maybe their computer got problem?


Pr 2 results are out!

Lawrence if happy to find that he did not get uber low because of his chinese


His chinese is fail one. 2.8 only. Lucky his other subject not bad can boost his GPA up and prevent it from dropping below 3.6


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Lawrence realises that most leaders and pro people all fail their tests. Perhaps Lawrence should try failing tests on purpose?

Math cct

try finding out what % of the posts i made have some relavance to math

Anways... they CCT today


The Math CCT was some weird thing. I can swear it hates me. First. I draw a graph. I realise my RULER is in my bag. I panic. I search my pencil box and find a protractor. YAY!! *ahem* Then stupid lawrence Draws the graph. After he finishes it. Yang^2 Behind him suddenly asks the teacher if he is can take ruler from bag. Teacher say can. Lawrence bangs head on wall. Lawrence then decides to finish the paper. It was relatively easy. Lawrence looks at the bonus question. It looks very difficult. Lawrence Screams!! He stares it again and realises that it is actually very very VERY easy. Lawrence has 10 minutes left after he finishes everything. Lawrence decides to sleep. Lawrence then remembers what happens when he sleep last time...

--> <--

He decides against sleeping. So he go check work. He finds a mistake. A close Bracket was not drawn *Gasp* half mark gone *gasp* Lawrence check more. He find ANOTHER mistake. because lawrence very stupid, he never see on the top of the paper got there written~THIS PART IS BLANKOED OF UNTIL MATH CCT RESULTS ARE OUT. LAWRENCE IS SCARED HE GET INTO TROUBLE FOR REVEALING A BIT OF THE PAPER. His answer is off by 0.01.... He bang head again. Haiz..... He bang head

Lawrence must mug for History CCT
But before that he must read more random blogs... <-- Got Mr. Lim See Nao <-- Funny Name xD

Haha Lawrence is quite happy he find mistake in his work

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I was bored today
I went to check on my Runescape Account

And i found out something
During the long period of time i haven't played
1. I still have membership (Wtf?!?!?)

2. Runescape has changed a lot, in both interface and graphics

Hope this is big enough for everyone to see
Look at the uber low damage im hitting xD


Monday, August 4, 2008

Smo Results

Are out!
Lol DingYue Told me And i went to check

13th placing.... I AM SO LOUSY
Then again, if i remove all the indonesia people... I can get 10th lol
Which is not bad
And another reason why i didnt do so well -->> My first round got frigging low.... like only 25/35 which pulled me down A LOT

And the school placing is kind of stupid

i mean.... half of the top 10 are from RI, and there are only 2 students from Nus High that got into top 10... and the rest cant qualify as they are from indonesia...
A team needs 3 people to win

Isnt it kind of obvious which school wins?
Early congratulations to RI for winning SMO junior for 5 years in a row xD

This year only junior training... when everyone else go senior training liao...
I'm lagging behind.. Darn...

On a side note:
Ziyang ownage get top 10 position in senior in sec 3
Aidi Didnt get position for anything WTF!?!?!
Alan Didnt get position for anything WTF AGAIN!?!?!
Ivan got top 10 position for OPEN at sec 4 WTF!?!? SO PRO
Barry also quite good la xD Top 10 for senior xD

Summation of x^9 and x^10

I took sooooo long for this but

Here it is xD

1^9 + 2^9 + 3^9.........+ n^9 =

.(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(2n^6 + 6n^5 + n^4 -8n^3 + n^2 + 6n - 3)


1^10 + 2^10 + 3^10.........+ n^10 =

.(n)(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^8 + 12n^7 + 8n^6 - 18n^5 - 10n^4 + 24n^3 + 2n^2 - 15n + 5)

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Random Facts:

This is the first post in my blog in AUGUST
My RE is screwed up
Maple everyday also DC, which is good.... because everytime the server disconnects, all the shops in the Free Market disappear. And if i happen to be online... I get a free Room 1 spot... Which i can sell for 5m..... WOOOOOT
My dad is going to learn german o.0
And Lastly 4th Attempt at uploading the stupid video failed