Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Portable Hardisk Drive

My portable hardisk drive's port is looseDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
There goes all my games and all my work. DAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
Never mind. THERE IS ALWAYS WARRANTY XD muahahahahahahahaha

One LAST cct. And then RE. And then a few more projects. And then a few more performance tasks. And then... And then....

After all that. I'm free. How optimistic.

Today i went for Science Remedial. To learn stuff(and to suan people)
But it was quite fun (AND I GOT TO NOT GO FOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE!! But i dun feel really happy. I wanted to go GE, but yang terng forced me to go science remedial with him)
another perfect score for math. I kind of expected it. ( I wrote my answers on my calculater to compare with people after the test)
After tomorrow i am going to be really happy. FINALLY NO MORE TESTS
And then there MATH PT. *grins* This is going to be fun YAY!! Trigo with making ur own equipement is like the most uber fun project. Only problem is, THE Trigo part is very very VERY easy.

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