Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piano Exam!!!



Today i went to the piano studio to have a lesson. Then the teacher didnt show up. Instead his Mum was there, and she was screaming at her daughter random stuff about playing the piano. Her daughter is 4 years younger then me and Same GRADE (8) WTF!?!?!?!? Then i was playing piano in a room for like 2 hours.

Then i realised that i didnt have the entrance form for the exam. But i didnt dare ask my teacher's mum cos she was still screaming randomly and seemed really pist. After a while. She stopped screaming. Then i went in to ask her for it. WRONG THING TO DO. Apparantly screaming at her daughter wasnt enough. She started screaming at me. Poor me T_T

And then she was like giving me the WHY ISNT YOUR TEACHER HERE? WHY ARE U SO LOUSY? YOU KNOW U GOING TO FAIL? YOU ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU CONTINUE STANDING THERE speech. After a while she stopped, gave me my entry form, told me i was hopeless and went off. lol

So now poor lawrence has to play the piano


Lots of other interesting stuff happened today


just that lesmana rammed me really really hard and i flew backward, banged my jaw on the ground and my specs flew off. It was really cool. And my jaw hurted a lot -.-

Then there was recess. Basically Luo Somehow managed to piss Jason(person we all hate in out class. Fine maybe not even fit to be a person). He emos. Says something like "I dun wan to be in the same class as you" Then runs out. I scream after him " No One Wants to be in the same class as you either" Lol. Then he was freaking angry and RAN OFF...

Then science.

We finished watching Fat Man and Little Boy. It was so fun. Then there was one part when they tested the nuclear bomb, they showed a scene where the person mouth's was blown wide open. Like in the wind tunnel


1 comment:

Matthew said...

I'm just curious.

Why do you/we hate Jason?