Thursday, July 17, 2008

GE concert

Although RiGe Concert was held like 4 days ago, I shall blog about it since I'm bored

Firstly, It was held at Nafa which stands for NanYang Academy Of Fine Arts or something like that, I'm not too sure

Well the concert sure was tiring. I was a stage hand, and i had to help out with lots of random stuff. Like during the concert, when they switch from ensemble format, and rockband format, me and some other sec 2 GE guys had to pull all the chairs, footstools, stands out into backstage... And you have no idea how many main ensemble people there were. Then when they went back from RockBand to Ensemble, we had to put all the chairs back. Die lor... the chairs carry around until sian liao...
Well and that wasn't all. We also had to carry mikes and chairs and footstools and stands when the GE people wanted to do small groups pieces and solos.... When Eugene did his solo, we forgot to tighten his mike, and he had to bend down to sing... lawl.....
And I also had to be the one taking tickets, letting people in, hole punching tickets, giving people ribbons E.t.c. as Bryan beside me phailed at selling roses...... And the queue was freaking long... and my parents were late so i didn't see them lol...

Diao -.- so sian I only played for like 10 mins lol...... wish I could play more next year....

Then today... when i went to maple to check on my shop and if anything was sold.... i got bored so i decided to randomly create a new acc and go make fun of my fren
By pretending I am noob and randomly ask him to help me....

haha so funny.... sorry justin xD
Waste your time

Summation of i^9 will be done soon after i decide to stop slacking and fix all my errors in calculations...

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