Monday, July 28, 2008

My computer

Is amazing... Seriously

Look, i think it seriously wants me to play Maple or sumthing

First i wake up, decide to use the computer, and i find that there is this glitchy thing on my computer that prevents me from opening any microsoft files....
And i cant post a screenshot because of that fact T_T

Anyways, after that I decided to uninstall maple cos my exams where coming up and i don't want to be distracted, so i went to uninstall program files to try to undownload it
And guess what? My computer didnt let me =] WOW

So after that, i decided to randomly uninstall random programs that i didnt use often, like fraps....

And then WOW
I FIND THIS GARBLISH PROGRAM at the top of the list saying something like -!^%$!(@$_@!

you get the idea
And i decided that it was a virus and uninstalled it....
And guess what happened, My KeyBoard got uninstalled or something and i couldnt use it.........

Until today


My computer is stupid

I am bored

I shall do Aidi's quiz later

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