Saturday, December 27, 2008


Wow. Almost a month has passed since I last posted.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

New classes

o.O I haven't posted for so long. Blame dota. And kol. Spent too much time on that.

Well Another year has passed. And we're all going to go to different classes.

And next year, I'm going to that class with all the uber pro people with uber high GPAs. Dam. Going to get pwned next year T_T.....

I'm bored.

Which means that I will be posting a list of every single sec 3 class next year.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm bored

Im bored...

So i've decided to Set my whole post in code.

11284 1924981 109582 82935 2991 59298592 1239519 91992958 1823885 12389590123 235882 32999852 83298952 83828 592 93281951 865 91 05912 3571 2395 29835 928 39 19283 5982 398 19235186293859821 695 28 95283 569 21863 5928635 982356 918236 56912836 5981263 986 5192836 598236 561238 562913865 982369 856928 65928 6519659 08 6905 047 650761

If you can decode that ur pro.
And guitar is one of the top 5 hardest instruments to play!?!?!??!?!
(Cos that was just random numbers)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another one/

Here's another one. You can see this one no matter how bad your eyesight is. The thing should look as if it's moving. If you can't see it, it means something is wrong with you.

Only the parts you're staring at will not move.

Monday, November 3, 2008

An eye trick

Wah, I never post for so long liao.

First, a nice picture, from PlayParkForums.

Well, you're supposed to look at it normally, and you should be able to see albert einstein, but if you take of your specs, or put on a pair, you can see some woman. I have no idea who she is.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My second zak helm.

Guess what happened to it???

Freak it all. I bet Maple hates me or something.

First, to prove that i did indeed get helmed.

Blah, So i throw a 70% helm int.

*Poof* Fail.

And then the smart Law just Can't resist

throwing another one in.

Dude. The chance of this happening, is like, 2.25%. In fact, the chance of something really bad happening was 27.75%, And it just HAD TO HAPPEN.

On a side note though, Happy things will always have to happen.

Thanks Krack and Rage =] For training me at mong.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hi ryan

I just realised how u knew that my extra character was called differentiation -.-

Friday, October 24, 2008

A uber sadistic post.

I feel sadistic today. I shall have a post, to find out the chances of any of us having a genetic disorder/ illness.

All information is taken from wikipedia. I am only listing down SOME of the diseases.

I shall dao all the autosomal dominant ones, since they would probably be shown in your parents.

Cystic fibrosis --> 1 in 3,900 --> Something wrong with the mucus glands of your organs.
Sickle-cell disease --> Erm. Like half of the people in africa have this. I shall dao this also.
Tay-Sachs disease --> 1 in 300

Okay. Never mind. This is getting boring.

At this rate, everyone will probably have 1 disease or another. -.-

Ri Survey -.-

I had to do the stupid RI survey 4 times -.-

First time--> Last week, finished doing, then popup box to finish was automatically blocked.

Second time--> Today, finished doing, then popup box to finish was automatically blocked, then i realise that i must unblock it.

Third time --> Finished doing, unblocked it, but then google toolbar blocked it -.-

Fourth time --> Finish the survey

I feel like posting a sadistic post

Monday, October 20, 2008

Zak Helm


I went to get helmed today.

This are a few pictures to show HOW i got my helm. And how i lost it. (Almost immediately)

First, Lawrence the Dumb Dumb had to buy pots. Lots of pots.

Then, Lawrence the Dumb Dumb have to go enter.

Then, Lawrence the dum dumb Must REGISTER.

Then Lawrence the Dumb Dumb must throw 70% helm int on his helm. And guess what happen?

To those who don't understand, a 70% scroll has a 15% chance of destroying an item.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Math EOY

ha. i screwed up.

i keep mixing up area of circle and circumference of circle

2 marks gone T.T

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lawrence is pathetic at betting money in KOL.

As shown below.

I feel stupid. Unless I win another 5m. I lose money to the MMG.

Oh. And the Virus_Draft thing is 33 pages of Math Notes. Written by Me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am jealous

Of all those schools that are finishing their exams.

Why can't RI start and finish early too? I bet we're the last school to actually start, and stop. I mean. At the start, it may be fun, cos we can all slack and suan those people who have to mug for exams, but after all that, IT'S OUR TURN. Most people have already finished their exams. I feel so jealous. T_T

I wonder why RI has to make itself so special by pushing the exams back. Even RJC has finished a few weeks ago.

Haiz. At least once the first day is over, the rest are not THAT difficult. Hope I can get 3.8 for my GPA. Haiz

Back to mugging CHINESE T_T

Friday, October 3, 2008

Re Congress

Re Congress Is also known as a Super Boring "fun" Fair With No games, Lots of booths for people to show off that they got Distinction for RE, And A Uber boring talk that lasts for 3 hours.

However, ShanZhi's Group On destination Imagination was Really Really Really Good. And funny.

I'm Sick And tired.

And the worst Thing that could ever possibly happen has happened. I HAVENT DONE MY TAKE HOME TEST FOR SMOJ!!!!! AHHHHH !!!! DIE!!!!!! But then again, the questions are frigging easy (Fine, maybe question 1 needs some thinking), but the problem is the proving. As everyone should know, I SUCK AT PROVING. ARGH!!!!!

Tomorrow is the Not Take Home Test. I look forward to getting pwned by it. Hope I get into SMO Senior Team By next year, so i can catch up with the Rest. T_T

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sorry Justin.

Bloons 3 is out. YAY!!

So fun =]
So addictive =]

Monday, September 29, 2008

Why I hate Kester.

Finally, I have enough time, and enough reason to write this.

Updated As of 10.45 Pm 29 September 2008. (+8 Gmt)

1. Kester is Bossy. Bossy enough. Since he's not the one in charge, why does he always boss people around? It's not like we have already accepted him as a leader. Why is it that he always thinks that EVERYONE supports him when actually, no one does? Like during MOV, when we (the class) have already voted Naishad as the director, why does Kester have to butt in and order people around? It's not like he's the director. And like during that day when we had that councilling Jason session, why is it that Kester must be so bossy and INSTRUCT us all to do this and do that... Again, like that day when we had to stay back for Mov, to do our props, why is it that Kester is the one ordering people around to do stuff, when Yenter is the I.C.?
Dude, we don't want you "helping the class"

2. Kester always acts cool, pretending to sleep in class, insulting does people who he thinks are of lower standards then him, like Jason, like the "nerd club" when they didn't do anything to him. So you like to discriminate and ostracize against other people? Yea, well what goes around comes around. It's now YOUR turn. He also swears a lot, trying to act cool, everyday down there is hokkien vulgarities and "f***" So, now swearing is cool?
And then back to the point on sleeping in class. Kester has no reason to stay up late. He close to doesn't do ANY work at all during group projects, and slacks a LOT. He doesn't do a lot of his homework, except for maybe Math. So why does he sleep in class? We realise that most of the time, Kester is NOT sleeping. He is just putting his head down, and pretending to sleep, and maybe even attract attention. When people around him talk about him, he will immediately wake up, and pretend to have just woken up. Please la kester, that is sooooo fake.
And then Kester think's he's very strong. Like real. As proven today, a UNFIT MG person is fully capable of tackling him. And even if you are strong, so what? Oh. So if I'm strong, I can use violence to get what I want? I can poke people if I feel like it? Oh. If I'm strong, I can boss people around right?

And sure, tucking out your shirt is COOL man

3. Kester is a hypocrit. This point is just to point out that his, and his friends arguments are TOTALLY flawed, they are being totally hypocritical, so their arguments basically just backfire against them. (Then again, almost everyone is hypocritical)
And in your blog, you mention that you have already given up on us. Then WHY IS IT THAT YOU STILL FOLLOW US DURING LUNCH TO RJC??? AND EVEN WHEN WE TRY TO AVOID YOU, YOU STILL FOLLOW US? HMM?

I quote from Kester's blog:

hello to everyone
1. to law, jus, les
fuck. you
you can go on and on and make stupid jokes about me in your little corner there
watch. me. care
i dont give a fuck
i dont need you three
[End Quote]

So now what Kester? What are you trying to do? Since you don't care, then why do you even follow us?

4. Kester act's differently in front of different people, sucking up to them. A very clear example. The way kester treats Girls and Guys. If it's a girl, he will be very nice to them, and not use much vulgarities, at most using them to show that he is "Strong, and cool". Then when he talks to guys, he'll always use vulgarities, and keep pointing middle finger. I wonder why this is so. Hmmm..... That's why most of the people arguing for him are all girls. Another example is like the bio teacher and the geog teacher. Kester is extremely agressive towards the geog teacher, always being sarcastic and talking behind her back, like saying that she has a plastic face. Then, Kester is extremely flirtateous towards the bio teacher.

5. Kester thinks he is pro at everything. Example: During Mov drama challenge, when we were doing the props, Kester demanded that he would be the one spray painting and painting the stuff, because he "has had spray painting lessons before". And like he's very good at it. When he paints the fireplace, he uses so much paint, that the paint basically overflows, and then he orders US to help him fan it. And he mixes the wrong paints together.
Another thing is during P.E. Everytime one of his teamates fail at running past someone, gets tackled, or fails to catch the ball, he will always curse and swear and say stuff like " Why You never get the ball". The truth is, most of the time, even Kester himself wouldn't be able to do what he expects of his teamates.
And when he himself makes a mistake, he will refuse to admit it, unless there is overwhelming evidence that he has done it. Like today, when it was soooo a forward pass, he claimed that it was not, and it was just to the side. Whatever.

6. Kester forces himself onto others. Like justin. At first, Kester was sitting next to the "nerd club" and he didn't like it, so he decided to move over to the other side, and sit next to his "Best Friend" justin. And Justin is supposed to like it? He's supposed to be happy? I don't think he is. Or else why would he move away from his previous seat and now sit with us? Haha. And kester always tries to eat with the people that go to RJC. And cope food from everyone. Are we supposed to like that? Have you EVER gave anything to us? More then half of us don't like you. Don't you feel out of place? Why don't you hang out with people that actually want to follow you? No one ever follows you kester. It's always you following people. Isn't that weird? Even the "nerd club" people have friends.

7. Last point. This is directed at those people protecting Kester with the argument that he has PROBLEMS with his family.
Let us look at this from his parents point of view. If you have a son, who does badly in class, flirts with girls, and you keep getting calls from your son's teachers, would you be happy? Please la. More then 90% of the time my parents quarrel is because of me or my sister. Close to never do they argue about anything else. I ask you this Kester. Do you DESERVE a peaceful family for what you do in school? For your behavior? As I said earlier, what goes around comes around. How can you expect a happy family when you are causing so much trouble (be it directly or indirectly)?
Hmm Kester?

And no one EVER laughs with you. Everyone laughs AT you. You're not much better then Jason. Thanks.

Updated As of 10.45 Pm 29 September 2008. (+8 Gmt)

Now something on the brighter side of life. Something to lol at.

Read it Carefully. Look at how many retardedly funny mistakes there are.
And this is the way we are supposed to learn english?

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Screams Argh! Take home test so "Hard" haha
Screams So bored
Screams First question so hard, yay, at least a challenging question
Screams Bang Headshot
Screams I win
Screams Random

Friday, September 26, 2008

I wish i don't have to put a title

I have Dota on my computer. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I am a straightforward case for Math RA. Is that good or bad?
I found summation of n^11. I guess that's good?

1^11 + 2^11 + 3^11.........+ n^11 =

.(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(2n^8 + 8n^7 + 4n^6 - 16n^5 - 5n^4 + 22n^3 - 3n^2 - 20n + 10)

The movie stormbreaker is supposed to be an action movie, but it's sooo funny.
Kester's friend should have a lesson with Mr. Ayodeleoja (oops i mean Dr.) to learn all about Modus Pollums and Modus Tollens

Lets use Microsoft Excel to find the solution to this question:

Suppose a1 is the first digit (after the decimal point) of Pi, a2 is the second digit, and so on...
What would the following formula equal:
(a1 - a2) * (a2 - a3) * (a3 - a4) * ... * (a99 - a100)

As you can clearly see, I'm bored

Edit: The question is very easy. And i took so frigging long to realise it. Bangs head on wall

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Genesis + Mong + Not So Pro Person person playing = Uber good exp with Uber high chance of dying...

Ultimately = Lose Exp

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stupid Projects

Finally after 2 nights of spamming, SCIENCE Pt has been finished.

Now for Geog

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh and no mattar what you do to me. I know I have something you will Never EVER have.

I have friends
Kester is a Retard

Friday, September 12, 2008

Something to Lol At.

Some thing to Lol At.

A note: This is not done by me. it is done by other member's of my class and is done purely for entertainment value. No malice of another form is meant towards the character.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jason is a Emo Frig

Yea. He is. I mean which kind of person tears up his test paper?!?!? And he wasn't even lowest in class....

Jason so irritating. The other day after he made a fuss during Math, After the lesson, when I went out of class, he shoved me REALLY hard. And everyone saw it. So now all the teachers are telling me stuff like you shouldn'y irritate him, you should be understanding.. Blah Blah. Zzz... When I didnt do anything at all?


Monday, September 8, 2008


I am too blunt

GE Pwns CO!!!

T_T i want my hardisk drive back. Without it, i cant play game maker games i downloaded, I cant look at nice Maple Pictures and Add new ones. I cant do any of my work. I cant do stuff that i want to do.....

Basically i want my hard disk drive FIXED.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My current guild

Okay. Here's an update to tell everyone about my NEW GUILD. Cos im lazy to write it all out on my tagboard.

Basically. Smash was a uber pro guild, with everyone above 140 and all helmed. However Once, during a zak run, something happened, and there was a schism. Everyone Split into two sides. One half joined another guild(cant remember which one) and the other half stayed in Smash. So yea. Smash changed, and became filled with nubs like me. I knew this all cos my friend who invited me spammed me with Smash's history.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holidays are Over T_T

First i shall show off what i bought for 160m in MAPLE!!

<-- Very Very EXPENSIVE Passed 3 30% scrolls and 4 60% scrolls My damage doesn't seem to be better then last time though

<-- Now I'm Level 62 o.0 That took like 4months.

The other day. I went to the library, I saw a nice book. Now I'm addicted to Prime Number Theorum and Riemann's Zeta Function stuff even though i don't understand half of it. Haiz. Must go read more carefully.

And NOW, I finally know the reason why Lesmana couldn't get into RI through DSA.

Interview between Lesmana and Random School Teacher.

Teacher: What is your impression of RI?
Lesmana: I think RI's Swimming pool is really small. ACS's Swimming pool is MUCH BIGGER.

Teacher: Why do you want to come to RI?
Lesmana:My parents want me to come to RI. I don't want to. In the future I will just work for my Father.

Friday, August 29, 2008

After de test



I screwed up oral. Despite the examiner trying to help me by hinting that im wrong. I keep telling him the wrong answers.

i screwed up Scales. He told me to play so many frigging scales and i got so many of those frigging scales wrong despite practising so much

I screwed up My SECOND PIECE. Out of the 8 pages. I bet There was at least like 5 mistakes in each Page.


Piano Examinations

Its in 2 hours.

So nervous

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piano Exam!!!



Today i went to the piano studio to have a lesson. Then the teacher didnt show up. Instead his Mum was there, and she was screaming at her daughter random stuff about playing the piano. Her daughter is 4 years younger then me and Same GRADE (8) WTF!?!?!?!? Then i was playing piano in a room for like 2 hours.

Then i realised that i didnt have the entrance form for the exam. But i didnt dare ask my teacher's mum cos she was still screaming randomly and seemed really pist. After a while. She stopped screaming. Then i went in to ask her for it. WRONG THING TO DO. Apparantly screaming at her daughter wasnt enough. She started screaming at me. Poor me T_T

And then she was like giving me the WHY ISNT YOUR TEACHER HERE? WHY ARE U SO LOUSY? YOU KNOW U GOING TO FAIL? YOU ARE GOING TO DIE IF YOU CONTINUE STANDING THERE speech. After a while she stopped, gave me my entry form, told me i was hopeless and went off. lol

So now poor lawrence has to play the piano


Lots of other interesting stuff happened today


just that lesmana rammed me really really hard and i flew backward, banged my jaw on the ground and my specs flew off. It was really cool. And my jaw hurted a lot -.-

Then there was recess. Basically Luo Somehow managed to piss Jason(person we all hate in out class. Fine maybe not even fit to be a person). He emos. Says something like "I dun wan to be in the same class as you" Then runs out. I scream after him " No One Wants to be in the same class as you either" Lol. Then he was freaking angry and RAN OFF...

Then science.

We finished watching Fat Man and Little Boy. It was so fun. Then there was one part when they tested the nuclear bomb, they showed a scene where the person mouth's was blown wide open. Like in the wind tunnel


Sunday, August 24, 2008


Piano exam in 5 days

I confirm fail T_T



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Portable Hardisk Drive

My portable hardisk drive's port is looseDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
There goes all my games and all my work. DAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT
Never mind. THERE IS ALWAYS WARRANTY XD muahahahahahahahaha

One LAST cct. And then RE. And then a few more projects. And then a few more performance tasks. And then... And then....

After all that. I'm free. How optimistic.

Today i went for Science Remedial. To learn stuff(and to suan people)
But it was quite fun (AND I GOT TO NOT GO FOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE!! But i dun feel really happy. I wanted to go GE, but yang terng forced me to go science remedial with him)
another perfect score for math. I kind of expected it. ( I wrote my answers on my calculater to compare with people after the test)
After tomorrow i am going to be really happy. FINALLY NO MORE TESTS
And then there MATH PT. *grins* This is going to be fun YAY!! Trigo with making ur own equipement is like the most uber fun project. Only problem is, THE Trigo part is very very VERY easy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

History Cct

All the Ccts hate lawrence. They all bully him. Today history cct, and then Lawrence's pen no ink. So he borrow fren one. The fren one also no ink but lawrence never realise and stupidly go and use it.
Then 3 minutes into the test, he runs out of ink. He bangs head on wall. He raises his hand up. Waves. Teacher daos him. He spends 5 minutes trying to get the teacher's attention, and is finally given ANOTHER a bit the no ink pen. So poor lawrence has to use 3 pens that have no ink to write his essays. So Lawrence wastes a lot of time switching in between pens.

Lawrence is not like Ccts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Raffles Academy

I Even
Don't Though
Know I
They My
Don't Overall
Let 3.6
Me Gpa
Register And
For Top
Raffles 15%
Academy Percentile

This is stupid... Maybe their computer got problem?


Pr 2 results are out!

Lawrence if happy to find that he did not get uber low because of his chinese


His chinese is fail one. 2.8 only. Lucky his other subject not bad can boost his GPA up and prevent it from dropping below 3.6


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Lawrence realises that most leaders and pro people all fail their tests. Perhaps Lawrence should try failing tests on purpose?

Math cct

try finding out what % of the posts i made have some relavance to math

Anways... they CCT today


The Math CCT was some weird thing. I can swear it hates me. First. I draw a graph. I realise my RULER is in my bag. I panic. I search my pencil box and find a protractor. YAY!! *ahem* Then stupid lawrence Draws the graph. After he finishes it. Yang^2 Behind him suddenly asks the teacher if he is can take ruler from bag. Teacher say can. Lawrence bangs head on wall. Lawrence then decides to finish the paper. It was relatively easy. Lawrence looks at the bonus question. It looks very difficult. Lawrence Screams!! He stares it again and realises that it is actually very very VERY easy. Lawrence has 10 minutes left after he finishes everything. Lawrence decides to sleep. Lawrence then remembers what happens when he sleep last time...

--> <--

He decides against sleeping. So he go check work. He finds a mistake. A close Bracket was not drawn *Gasp* half mark gone *gasp* Lawrence check more. He find ANOTHER mistake. because lawrence very stupid, he never see on the top of the paper got there written~THIS PART IS BLANKOED OF UNTIL MATH CCT RESULTS ARE OUT. LAWRENCE IS SCARED HE GET INTO TROUBLE FOR REVEALING A BIT OF THE PAPER. His answer is off by 0.01.... He bang head again. Haiz..... He bang head

Lawrence must mug for History CCT
But before that he must read more random blogs... <-- Got Mr. Lim See Nao <-- Funny Name xD

Haha Lawrence is quite happy he find mistake in his work

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I was bored today
I went to check on my Runescape Account

And i found out something
During the long period of time i haven't played
1. I still have membership (Wtf?!?!?)

2. Runescape has changed a lot, in both interface and graphics

Hope this is big enough for everyone to see
Look at the uber low damage im hitting xD


Monday, August 4, 2008

Smo Results

Are out!
Lol DingYue Told me And i went to check

13th placing.... I AM SO LOUSY
Then again, if i remove all the indonesia people... I can get 10th lol
Which is not bad
And another reason why i didnt do so well -->> My first round got frigging low.... like only 25/35 which pulled me down A LOT

And the school placing is kind of stupid

i mean.... half of the top 10 are from RI, and there are only 2 students from Nus High that got into top 10... and the rest cant qualify as they are from indonesia...
A team needs 3 people to win

Isnt it kind of obvious which school wins?
Early congratulations to RI for winning SMO junior for 5 years in a row xD

This year only junior training... when everyone else go senior training liao...
I'm lagging behind.. Darn...

On a side note:
Ziyang ownage get top 10 position in senior in sec 3
Aidi Didnt get position for anything WTF!?!?!
Alan Didnt get position for anything WTF AGAIN!?!?!
Ivan got top 10 position for OPEN at sec 4 WTF!?!? SO PRO
Barry also quite good la xD Top 10 for senior xD

Summation of x^9 and x^10

I took sooooo long for this but

Here it is xD

1^9 + 2^9 + 3^9.........+ n^9 =

.(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(2n^6 + 6n^5 + n^4 -8n^3 + n^2 + 6n - 3)


1^10 + 2^10 + 3^10.........+ n^10 =

.(n)(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^8 + 12n^7 + 8n^6 - 18n^5 - 10n^4 + 24n^3 + 2n^2 - 15n + 5)

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Random Facts:

This is the first post in my blog in AUGUST
My RE is screwed up
Maple everyday also DC, which is good.... because everytime the server disconnects, all the shops in the Free Market disappear. And if i happen to be online... I get a free Room 1 spot... Which i can sell for 5m..... WOOOOOT
My dad is going to learn german o.0
And Lastly 4th Attempt at uploading the stupid video failed

Thursday, July 31, 2008

For some reason....

I'm not depressed

I boomed my Widam staff... worth dunno how much....(boomed means destroyed)
and i don't feel sad


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My uber ownage widam staff

Tomorrow The fate of this stupid item that is causing me lots of stress is going to be decided

By a last 30% scroll

Which means 30% chance Ill be VERY HAPPY
35% chance Ill be sad
and 35% chance Ill be VERY SAD

256 colour bit map is lousy

Monday, July 28, 2008


are coming

Forgot to post about the CCTS also known as the EVIL Methods for teachers to torture us (joking =])

Anyway, today was the chinese cct, also my most hated cct of all ccts...

Cause i will fail it
I am so going to fail it
And i already failed it
Like man, i didnt even finish the paper despite mugging do much yesterday

Sianz... Tomorrow is going to be the Bio CCT, And lol Drac was discussing Bio with me in maple lol
So retarded, i mean who plays maple and talks about BIO lol


Then thursday there's a English Test thingy
I'm not even sure what is tested, just hope that i can pass

third attempt at posting a nice video failed

My computer

Is amazing... Seriously

Look, i think it seriously wants me to play Maple or sumthing

First i wake up, decide to use the computer, and i find that there is this glitchy thing on my computer that prevents me from opening any microsoft files....
And i cant post a screenshot because of that fact T_T

Anyways, after that I decided to uninstall maple cos my exams where coming up and i don't want to be distracted, so i went to uninstall program files to try to undownload it
And guess what? My computer didnt let me =] WOW

So after that, i decided to randomly uninstall random programs that i didnt use often, like fraps....

And then WOW
I FIND THIS GARBLISH PROGRAM at the top of the list saying something like -!^%$!(@$_@!

you get the idea
And i decided that it was a virus and uninstalled it....
And guess what happened, My KeyBoard got uninstalled or something and i couldnt use it.........

Until today


My computer is stupid

I am bored

I shall do Aidi's quiz later

Friday, July 25, 2008




Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The ups and downs of life

Yeah Kester finally gave me 50$ for the 50 million mesos i gave him xD
I used 40 to buy more a cash to gach.... hope i can earn more then 50 million mesos from it *greedy look*

I hate myself
Look at how careless I am


this is why you should not sleep for the last 10 minutes of the test NO MATTER HOW TIRED YOU ARE YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT


anyways... last night slept at 1am to help chiong science project i came up with the storyboard and di the research while my uber pro fren did the animation using flash
*ahem* It's retardedly funny *ahem*

Monday, July 21, 2008


Here are the 10 Commandments

Thou Shall Not Maple
Thou Shall Spam Math
Thou Shall Not scam stupid people off their money with mesos
Thou Shall not procrastinate
Thou Shall Not Listen to Berry and HY spouting random crap about me getting first for smoj
Thou Shall go for RV concert (YAY!!)
Thou Shall Do his/her Homework
Thou Shall Do Filing (T.T i hate this)
Thou Shall Sleep Early and not stay up late to maple
Thou Shall go back to finishing his homework from APCG week

Thursday, July 17, 2008

GE concert

Although RiGe Concert was held like 4 days ago, I shall blog about it since I'm bored

Firstly, It was held at Nafa which stands for NanYang Academy Of Fine Arts or something like that, I'm not too sure

Well the concert sure was tiring. I was a stage hand, and i had to help out with lots of random stuff. Like during the concert, when they switch from ensemble format, and rockband format, me and some other sec 2 GE guys had to pull all the chairs, footstools, stands out into backstage... And you have no idea how many main ensemble people there were. Then when they went back from RockBand to Ensemble, we had to put all the chairs back. Die lor... the chairs carry around until sian liao...
Well and that wasn't all. We also had to carry mikes and chairs and footstools and stands when the GE people wanted to do small groups pieces and solos.... When Eugene did his solo, we forgot to tighten his mike, and he had to bend down to sing... lawl.....
And I also had to be the one taking tickets, letting people in, hole punching tickets, giving people ribbons E.t.c. as Bryan beside me phailed at selling roses...... And the queue was freaking long... and my parents were late so i didn't see them lol...

Diao -.- so sian I only played for like 10 mins lol...... wish I could play more next year....

Then today... when i went to maple to check on my shop and if anything was sold.... i got bored so i decided to randomly create a new acc and go make fun of my fren
By pretending I am noob and randomly ask him to help me....

haha so funny.... sorry justin xD
Waste your time

Summation of i^9 will be done soon after i decide to stop slacking and fix all my errors in calculations...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

another post lawl

Just came back from some talk my dad was giving...

Something about amorphus stuff (Material that has randomly arranged atoms) which was extremely interesting...
And funny of course, with all the random jokes


Hope i can check how much money i have in my shop later in maple
Hope it's more then 50m(which means that I've sold something hard to sell)

Still haven't figured out what to do with all the money i get after i sell everything

Yeap I'm 14!

I shall not post about what i did yesterday or else some1 will know why i skipped history drama training xD

Anyway, it was really tiring and fun xD

And Yes!! I'm finally quiting maple after wasting so much time on it....

Hope to raise around 200$ selling all my equipment

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A quiz again....

I am bored!!
Quiz Koped from XinXuan's blog

3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? My mum watching drama, the sound of me typing
4. ARE YOUR LEGS CROSSED? erm, if you consider on top of each other
6. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON WHAT COLOUR WOULD YOU BE?transparant, then ill be a useless crayon xD
7. HOW IS THE WEATHER RIGHT NOW? Its Dark i cant see anything
8. LAST PERSON YOU MESSAGED ON THE PHONE?? I dun message i guess
11. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? I'm Pissed, Happy, Tired, i could give you a whole lot more but im tired
12. FAVOURITE DRINK? Look at what i ate just now
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT? Basketball, even though i suck at it
15. HAIR COLOUR? Black
16. EYE COLOUR? Black
18. SIBLINGS? 1 younger, not so irritating sister
20. FAVOURITE FOOD? Ice Cream , chocolate
22. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR? A day when i pass 7 30% scrolls by accident lawl
23. SATURDAY OR SUNDAY? Saturday, only day i get to slack a bit
24. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? I never found the need to
25. DO YOU LIKE MARMITE? I only know that thing from Impossible Quiz I have no idea what it is....
26. SUMMER OR WINTER? winter
27. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs.....
29. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO WRITE BACK?Depends on what I'm sending, but most of that time yeap
30. WHO’S MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Friends, who else xD
31. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? My parents i guess? haha
32. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS?What does that mean??
33. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? No books to read.... so pitiful right, I think ill buy some books some other day, though i have that chim math book that i cant understand
35. DO YOU MISS BIG BROTHER YET? Whats that o0
36. FAVOURITE SMELLS? The smell of chocolate drives me nuts
37. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Great Ideas/ Logic
40. FAVOURITE CRISPS?Don't eat much and i dun care xD chips are all the same
43. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 1/2 I have two key rings with 1 key on each lawl
44. CAN YOU JUGGLE KNIVES? Depends on how many there are xD
46. RED OR WHITE WINE? Red look more like blood
47. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? I can't remember, probably some boring crap as always

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ri Guys are STRESSED

Here is some evidence

Homework i currently have

Chinese Zuo wen
Chinese Book Test(Tomorrow)
Math Ta (tomorrow)
Science Test(tomorrow)
History Assignment, make a video(Thursday)--> T.T I dun even know how to use flash or windows movie maker
RE--> Interview people must do questions, Surveys are unfinished, Reports
Maths WorkSheet(Draw quadratic graphs... I hate drawing graphs.... that are not linear)
Practice for GE concert this sunday
History Drama Competition meetings everyday...

See la So much.... I bet got much more just that i wasnt listening in class xD

And i have to whack Summation of i^9 which i am almost done with.... But as usual... I have A LOT of careless mistakes... so the formula is wrong... * sigh* I TRIED SUICIDE BUT IT DOESN'T WORK.... I CUT MYSELF USING PENKNIFE BUT THEN IT ONLY BLEED A BIT!!Actually i only did it to test how sharp the penknife was before using it to cut the cardboard... HAHA

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I die...

i thought i had finished all my holiday homework.... so i decided to slack

i haven't started my history project, involving doing a video

Monday I'm meeting up for RE

I DIE!!!

Immediately after i ask Ms. Keh if i can have extension, i go fly kite...
see how i like to procrastinate xD

On a side note, here is a long but painless way of suicide

Step 1: Dig your nose
Step 2: Dig your nose
Step 3: Dig your nose
Step n: Dig your nose until your nose starts bleeding
Step n+1: Go wear a mask
Step n+2: Go outside
Step n+3: Run around

And alternate for n+2 and n+3 is to lie on you bed and lock your door

You'll soon die of blood loss
I think its painless... not sure Haha xD

Friday, July 4, 2008

Research Education

Wah Research Education is total crap now for our group. We have to catch up with all the work we should have done a long time ago

to all:

Please help me do my survey.... Please??

Part 1:
Part 2:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A funny video-Raving Rabbids

Haha a cute video koped from Yenter's blog

Biology lessons are extremely interesting with those retarded comments Lesmana makes

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Math ~summations of n'th power of positive integers~

For some totally random reason, I have decided to find the formulaes for all the summations of n th power of positive integers when n ranges from 1 -10.

After i finish my homework

*ahem* Apparantly during bio class today, when we were supposed to tell the teacher what proestrogen is, some people think its used to help people photosynthesise... or maybe they were just dreaming *ahem*

The formulas will be posted soon....

And here they are!!(currently only up to the 6th power)
Yay finished 7th power(Someone help me factorise)
Done the 8th (Finally.... Someone help me factorise, its a 7 term polynomial!!)

1+2+3+4......+n =


1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 .......+n^2 =


1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3........+ n^3 =


1^4 + 2^4 + 3^4........+ n^4 =

.(n)(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^2 + 3n - 1)

1^5 + 2^5 + 3^5........+ n^5 =

.(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(2n^2 + 2n - 1)


1^6 + 2^6 + 3^6........+ n^6 =

.(n)(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^4 + 6n^3 - 3n +1)


1^7 + 2^7 + 3^7.........+ n^7 =

..(n)(n)(n+1)(n+1)(3n^4 + 6n^3 - n^2 - 4n + 2)


1^8 + 2^8 + 3^8.........+ n^8 =

.(n)(n+1)(2n+1)(5n^6 + 15n^5 + 5n^4 -15n^3 - n^2 + 9n - 3)
Sorry for the terrible looks.... hope ill be able to finish until the tenth power by friday

Monday, June 30, 2008


Haha today is a monday again...

Yesterday night i slept at 1a.m, to do my poem anthology and my chinese composition...
And today, we were given another 2 more chinese compositions to do and finish by the end of the week.... Thats 3 For A Week !!! ARGH!!! I can't believe the teacher can get us to spam so much compositions...

Some thoughts on SMO junior second round...

I think i did quite well, considering i only made one careless mistake of mixing up parallelogram and rhombus.... And i did 3 questions fully and one halfway which was much better then last year....
I screwed up the second question... It was so easy and i didn't do it.... Dunno why...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Interesting Game

Haha here is a rather fun game...... except its not like the standard fighting, platformer.....

this game requires quite a bit of thinking and out of the box thinking.....

Interesting... Give it a try XD

I think you may have to download game maker.... not too sure....

Edit: Currently stuck on level 15
Second Edit: Now stuck on 16.....
Last Edit: Nm.... finished the game....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm sooo sure this could happen.....

Tomorrow is the is the day for the poem anthology our class has been working on for the past few monthes to be handed up.......

and guess what....


*sigh* Now ill have to rewrite the whole thing......

Edit: looked for it everywhere... even on my old computer but still cant find it.... i cant even find the hard copy...... zzzzzzzz stupid me never keep my soft copy well =/ looks like ill have to rewrtie everything again.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


zzz gtg sleep liao.... 1am in the morning finished all my work

Monday, June 23, 2008



First day of school got so much work(most of it left over from the hols coz i didnt do anything XD)

anyways.... Just finished my chinese yue du bao gao WOOOOT

now have to do philo.... bye all =P

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Quiz koped from alan's blog XD

Quiz Candidate:[Name] Lawrence Li[Age] 13 turning 14 in a few days[Gender] Male
Open Ended: 10 marks
1. What is your height and weight? 16X cm and 53kg respectively.
2. What is your personality and temperament? I try to be funny and random.... sometimes i fail, but when others laugh i feel good XD
3. What is your Dream? To finally be able to feel good about myself
4. Who would you want to go out with? Errrr......anyone as long as its not Ivan XD
5. What is your favourite Comic Book? I don't read much comics .... but i suppose japanese manga is quite good.
6. What is your favourite animal? I like birds, maybe a albatross?
7. What do you think of money? Money is useful.... but it can't get you everything you want as shown in a specific case =P
8. What time do you normally reach school? around 0700h
9. What is the best gift that you've ever received? The gift of some good advice and a kind word
10. Who, in your opinion, should take this quiz? Everyone XD
11. What are the details that you look out for when you're looking at a member of the opposite sex? Lets not answer this question to avoid misunderstandings XD
Free Response: 5 marks
1. Think of a person. Describe him/her with respect to personality, attitude and appearance. A total of 4 pointers should be present, together with the person's name. Each missing point warrants a loss of 1 mark.
[Person] Ivan [4 pointers] Ivan is only interested in math, he dislikes being irritated and will whack you hard if you do so. He is thin and has a BMI of around 16.1 He works hard but spends a lot of time on math.
MCQ: 5 marksHere are six choices (A, B, C, D, E, F). Please answer using only the six given choices. A. ExtrovertedB. IntrovertedC. SweetD. RomanticE. Easy-GoingF. Random
1. What type of personality describes you well? F
2. What type of personality describes your best friend well? F
3. What type of personality describes your crush well? C
4. What type of personality would you want your soulmate to have? E
5. What is the antonym of B? A

Score: I have no idea.... go judge yourself XD

ShenZhen trip


here are 3 pictures of the Shen Zhen trip.... they are the only ones i have XD

sianz i have to do an article for the rafflesian times... am i supposed to be proud??

ShenZhen trip

Finally back from the Shen Zhen Math Immersion trip

I think i learnt much more from Ivan then from the lessons lawl

It was fun XD

Saturday, June 21, 2008

First Post

Just making a random blog for the fun of it XD